Catu-saccāsabhang rasang Ye pivinsu narāsabhā
The Buddhas, the noble men who drank the nectar of the four Noble Truths, having come to the victory seat, having defeated Mara together with his mount: Tanghangkarādayo Buddhā Attha-visati nāyakā
Sabbe patitthitā mayhang Matthake te munissarā
These Buddhas, the 28 leaders, the sovereign sages beginning with Tanhankara are all established on the crown of my head. Sise patitthito mayhang Buddho dhammo dvilocane
Sangho patitthito mayhaÑ Ure sabba-gunākaro
The Buddha is established in my head, the Dhamma in my two eyes, the Sangha
- the mine of all virtues - is established in my chest.
Hadaye me Anuruddho Sāriputto ca dakkhine
Kondanno pitthi-bhāgasming Moggallāno ca vāmake
Anuruddha is in my heart and Sariputta on my right. Kondanna is behind me and Moggallana on my left.
Dakkhine savane mayhang Asung Ananda-Rāhulo Kassapo ca Mahānāmo Ubhāsung vāma-sotake Ananda & Rah ula are in my right ear, Kassapa and Mahanama are both in my left ear. Kesante pitthi-bhāgasming Suriyo va pabhangkaro
Nisinno siri-sampanno Sobhito muni-punggavo
Sobhita, the noble sage, sits in full glory, shining like the sun all over the hair at the back of my head. Kumāra-kassapo thero Mahesi citta-vādako
So mayhang vadane niccang Patitthāsi gunākaro
The great sage, the mine of virtue, Elder Kumarakassapa, the brilliant speaker, is constantly in my mouth. Punno Angulimālo ca Upāli Nanda-Sivali
Therā panca ime jātā Nalāte tilakā mama
Five elders - Punna, Angulimala, Upali, Nanda & Sivali - have arisen as auspicious marks at the middle of my forehead. Sesāsiti mahātherā Vijitā jina-sāvakā
Etesiti mahātherā Jitavanto jinorasā
Jalantā sila-tejena Anggamangesu santhitā
The rest of the 80 great leaders - victors, disciples of the victorious Buddha, sons of the victorious Buddha, shining with the majesty of moral virtue - are established in the various parts of my body. Ratanang purato āsi Dakkhine Metta-suttakang
Dhajaggang pacchato āsi Vāme Anggulimālakang
Khandha-Mora-parittanca Atānātiya-suttakang
Akāse chadanang āsi Sesā pākāra-santhitā The Ratana Sutta is in front of me, the Metta Sutta to my right. The Dhajagga Sutta is behind me, the Angulimala Paritta to my left. The Khandha & Mora Parittas & the Atanatiya Sutta are a roof in space above me. The remaining suttas are established as a fortress wall around me. Jinā nānāvara saÑyuttā Satta-pākāra-la~katā
Vātapittā disanjātā Bāhirajjhattupaddavā
Asesā vinayang yantu Ananta-jina-tejasā
Bound by the power of the Victors' realm, seven fortress walls arrayed against them, may all misfortunes within & without - caused by such things as wind or bile - be destroyed without remainder through the majesty of the unending Victor. Vasato me sakiccena Sadā Sambuddha-panjare
Jina-panjara-majjhamhi Viharantang mahitale
Sadā pālentu mang sabbe Te mahā-purisāsabhā
As I dwell, in all my affairs, always in the cage of the Self-awakened One, living grounded in the midst of the cage of the Victors, I am always guarded by all of those great noble men. Iccevamanto sugutto surakkho Jinānubhāvena jitupaddavo
Dhammānubhāvena jitārisanggo Sanghānubhāvena jitantarāyo
Saddhammānubhāva-pālito carāmi jina-panjaretiti.
Thus am I utterly well-sheltered, well-protected. Through the might of the Victor, misfortunes are vanquished. Through the might of the Dhamma, hordes of enemies are vanquished.
Through the might of the Sangha, dangers are vanquished Guarded by the might of the True Dhamma, I live in the Victor's Cage.
Jayāsanāgata Buddhā Jetvā Mārang savāhanang
Catu-saccāsabhang rasang Ye pivinsu narāsabhā
Tanghangkarādayo Buddhā Attha-visati nāyakā
Sabbe patitthitā mayhang Matthake te munissarā
Sise patitthito mayhang Buddho dhammo dvilocane
Sangho patitthito mayhaÑ Ure sabba-gunākaro
諸佛住於我頭,法住於我雙眸,而僧伽- 諸功德之源,住於我胸膛。
Hadaye me Anuruddho Sāriputto ca dakkhine
Kondanno pitthi-bhāgasming Moggallāno ca vāmake
Dakkhine savane mayhang Asung Ananda-Rāhulo
Kassapo ca Mahānāmo Ubhāsung vāma-sotake
Kesante pitthi-bhāgasming Suriyo va pabhangkaro
Nisinno siri-sampanno Sobhito muni-punggavo
Kumāra-kassapo thero Mahesi citta-vādako
So mayhang vadane niccang Patitthāsi gunākaro
Punno Angulimālo ca Upāli Nanda-Sivali
Therā panca ime jātā Nalāte tilakā mama
Sesāsiti mahātherā Vijitā jina-sāvakā
Etesiti mahātherā Jitavanto jinorasā
Jalantā sila-tejena Anggamangesu santhitā
Ratanang purato āsi Dakkhine Metta-suttakang
Dhajaggang pacchato āsi Vāme Anggulimālakang
Khandha-Mora-parittanca Atānātiya-suttakang
Akāse chadanang āsi Sesā pākāra-santhitā
《寶經》在我前方,《慈經》在我右方,《幢頂經》在我後方,《盎哥羅魔護衛偈》在我左方。 《蘊護偈》、《孔雀護衛偈》與《阿達那提亞經》在虛空覆蓋著,而其他的經偈則於我四周立成圍牆。
Jinā nānāvara saÑyuttā Satta-pākāra-la~katā
Vātapittā disanjātā Bāhirajjhattupaddavā
Asesā vinayang yantu Ananta-jina-tejasā
與各個至上之勝力結合,由七堵法牆圍繞—— 願風界與膽汁等所帶來的疾病,以及里里外外所有的不幸,憑著那無窮境的勝力,皆消滅無餘。
Vasato me sakiccena Sadā Sambuddha-panjare
Jina-panjara-majjhamhi Viharantang mahitale
Sadā pālentu mang sabbe Te mahā-purisāsabhā
Iccevamanto sugutto surakkho Jinānubhāvena jitupaddavo
Dhammānubhāvena jitārisanggo Sanghānubhāvena jitantarāyo
Saddhammānubhāva-pālito carāmi jina-panjaretiti.
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