
thailand education

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thailand education

Education is important to everyone, to succeed in life; they need to have an education and understanding about the world outside of their mind. Children are the most important age to study and gain knowledge from school and teachers. To have enough education to all children or people is important in every country. In this paper, you will find many quotations from many researchers that talk about how important to education and education that is now scarce in Thailand. Furthermore, this paper will focus on Thailand education is scarce and how Thai government need to fix about this.

Thailand education:

Thailand education is scarce and it needs to be fixed

Thailand education is scarce. There are lots of problems that Thailand has today, and one of them is education. Education in Thailand needs to be fixed. Thai education system is not good and it is not working with students. Some of students complain that Thailand has the worst education system. Most researchers report that Thailand education really needs to be fixed because there are lots of problem that is now happen to Thai education.

The most famous and talkative problem in this moment is all about tablet. Government gave tablets to grade one student, whish is not really necessary to those kids. Many researchers try to find problems about shy tablets are not good for those kids outside and around Bangkok. Scholarship for poor students in the country is also the problems of Thai education; Thai government should cares about Thai population which include inside and outside Bangkok. The policy in Thailand said that they will give 15 years free education for those poor students, and it is not cover all of poor students in the poor area in Thailand.

Government should not give tablet to children.

Thai government, especially prime minister should think about tablets for grade one students. Government should know that kids will not

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