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Source Topic: Impacts on Acid Rain Group # 6
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APA Source Citation:
Cristol, H. (2002). New Concern About Acid Rain. Futurist, 36(6), 8.
Notes from this source (use bullets – keep each bullet short to minimize the chance of plagiarism!)
Wilts and destroys tree leaves and needles (Cristol 2002).
Leaches trees lives by sustaining metal nutrients from topsoil (Cristol 2002).
Leaching magnesium deficiency (Cristol 2002).
It causes deterioration of buildings and monuments (Cristol 2002).
Turns calcium carbonate to calcium sulfate. The calcium sulfate can crumble and be washed away (Cristol 2002).
Particles which can be formed from sulfate and nitrate ions can affect respiration (Cristol 2002).
Acid rain may remove soil nutrients such as calcium and magnesium from soils (Cristol 2002).
It robs the soil of essential nutrients and releases aluminum in the soil, which makes it hard for trees to take up water (Cristol 2002).
Trees' immune systems may be damaged by pollution.
Acid rain may be even more damaging to forests than previously thought: Not only does acid rain wilt and destroy trees' leaves and needles, but new research shows it also leaches their life-sustaining metal nutrients from topsoil.
The news comes from University of California-Riverside scientists who experimented on trees in Chile's pristine forests--far removed from industrial pollutants--to learn how forest ecosystems are supposed to work if left alone. The scientists were surprised to discover that trees obtain their essential metal elements (such as potassium,