The first representation that is going to be addressed is Representation 1. Representation 1 has very limited views on the 1960’s as it is fairly incomplete. The photo captures the positive side of the ‘swinging sixties’ highlighting fashion, affluence and the youth-based phenomenon. It is not a true reflection of the society in the 1960s as the snapshot omits race, legislation and poverty. The representation is very subjective as it deliberately highlights the stereotypical views of the era and its portrayed in a positive way. The aim of the representation was to inform and educate people through a slightly balanced snapshot of Carnaby Street – the heart of swinging London although it implies only a positive and stereotypical view of the period. The accuracy of this representation is only accurate for what it shows, as it is a snapshot of one area in London which from my own knowledge was one of the few places that was actually swinging across the country. With the representation showing views on fashion, technology, wealth and stereotypes, it is fairly accurate but still omits a lot of vital detail which also takes a large part in the whole swinging sixties image. Overall, representation 1 is accurate for what it shows but compared to the other two representations it has the worst interpretation of the swinging sixties.
The next representation that is being addressed is Representation 3. There is a wider range of comprehensiveness compared to Representation 1. It covers a wide range of topics, including the pill, homosexuality, the women’s movement, technology and fashion. It also omits