Modernization of industries was a major highlight of the Eighth Plan. Under this plan, the gradual opening of the Indian economy was undertaken to correct the fiscal deficit and foreign debt. Meanwhile India became a member of the World Trade Organization on 1 January 1995.This plan can be termed as Rao and Manmohan model of Economic development. The major objectives included, controlling population growth, poverty reduction, employment generation, strengthening the infrastructure, Institutional building,tourism management, Human Resource development, Involvement of Panchayat raj, Nagar Palikas, N.G.O'S and Decentralisation and people's participation. Energy was given priority with 26.6% of the outlay. Further, Self-sufficiency in agricultural production was a top priority since most of the population depended on that. The 8th Five Year Plan targeted a GDP growth rate of 5.6%.
Achievements of the planned targets show that the 8th Five Year Plan had been more successful. Self sufficiency in food grains was achieved. Production of food grains increased