outlook on life; we can accomplish the impossible by remaining optimistic. Our lives depend on our attitude. Therefore, by living in a state of certainty and optimism, we can live happier and healthier lives. The first step to doing so is establishing a positive mentality. We believe in greater powers because we are certain that they will protect us and guarantee that our purpose in life is beyond human knowledge. By placing our trust in the hands of said greater powers, we remain certain that everything will resolve itself and feel more motivated to search for solutions. Despite the overall positivity acquired from optimism and certainty, there is no guarantee that everything will work out for the better. In reality, there is no such thing as “happy endings” and we can never be completely certain that the outcome of an event will be beneficial. According to Russel, one must keep in mind the realistic aspects of a goal to prevent disappointment. This will ultimately reduce the amount of positivity in people’s daily lives, but it will help to establish precautionary measures. There are benefits to doubting the results of situations in accordance to avoiding defeat, such as experiencing the pleasant unexpectedness of when an event has a positive outcome. Russel’s views are not nearly as pessimistic as they are realistic; in his opinion, doubt prevents disappointment. Both certainty and doubt contribute to the everyday aspects of our lives.
However, we cannot entirely be persuaded by one way of life or another. Our lives need balance in order to prosper and optimism and realism contribute largely to how we function. Phelps argues that certainty helps us achieve our goals and overcome even the most impossible situations. In accordance, we cannot expect that everything will turn out perfectly if we maintain a negative attitude on life. On the contrary, we cannot sit idly and wish for everything to turn out fine. By incorporating doubt into our thoughts, we can maintain a realistic view on life and prevent disappointment. Obstacles are inevitable and it is up to us to decide our outlook on life; by remaining both certain and doubtful of situations and their possibilities, we can be more determined to achieve our