
The Absolutely True Diary Of Part Time Indian Analysis

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Have you ever felt like people are ashamed to know you… Or to even hear your name? In “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” Loneliness can be found almost on every page. There are some pages where characters do acknowledge Arnold though, Such as Rowdy and Gordy. Rowdy Tells Arnold about this amazing dream he had about Arnold's future. Gordy to also gives Arnold great courage by standing up for him at school.

Later in the book of PTI Arnold's friend Gordy from Reardon. Doesn’t give Arnold advice, But gives him courage. After Mrs. Jeremy complains about Arnold missing too much school… “He stood with his textbook and dropped it.
He looked so strong. He looked like a warrior. He was protecting me like Rowdy used to protect me. Of course, Rowdy would have thrown the book at the teacher and then punched her.
Gordy showed a lot of courage in standing up to a teacher like that. And his courage inspired the others.
Penelope stood and dropped her textbook.
And then Roger stood and dropped his textbook.
And then the other basketball players did the same.” (Page 231-232 Online Book). This quote helps demonstrate the that his
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Rowdy who has secretly been there through thick and thin even after he smashed Arnolds face in… At the very end Arnold and Rowdy come back to the same level and accept one another's past. At Arnold's sisters funeral. Arnold and Rowdy choose to head outside and shoot some hoops… Rowdy says to Arnold, "No, I'm serious. I always knew you were going to leave. I always knew you were going to leave us behind and travel the world. I had this dream about you a few months ago. You were standing on the Great Wall of China. You looked happy. And I was happy for you." (Page 300 Online Book). This quote tremendously helps Arnold's self confidence, by helping him realize he has his best friend back. Along with hope, Hope that he will become somebody one day sooner or

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