Montessori AMI course 2014-2015
Umadevi Vadla04-01-2015
Index TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Childs part in world reconstruction: education for life PAGEREF _Toc432921001 \h 2Periods of growth PAGEREF _Toc432921002 \h 3The four planes of development PAGEREF _Toc432921003 \h 3The spiritual embryo PAGEREF _Toc432921004 \h 7The child’s conquest of independence PAGEREF _Toc432921005 \h 9Language PAGEREF _Toc432921006 \h 9Importance of movement in general development PAGEREF _Toc432921007 \h 10Development and imitation PAGEREF _Toc432921008 \h 11Childs contribution to the society PAGEREF _Toc432921009 \h 11Normalization PAGEREF _Toc432921010 \h 11References PAGEREF _Toc432921011 \h 12
Absorbent mindDr Montessori discovered that the child possess a mind which is totally different from that of an adult. The child absorbs all that is found around him, identical to the process of osmosis. A key word before further development about the absorbent mind would be adaptation. In order to adapt, the child uses a special ability for soaking up knowledge, information and everything about him from the environment unconsciously from birth to three, and consciously from the age of three to six years. This unique way of learning is called “absorbent mind”.
The presence of this absorbent mind will be in the first 6 years, the first plan of development and then will fade away.
Childs part in world reconstruction: education for life“The greatness of the human personality begins at the hour of birth”. The first 2 years of life open new horizons before us. During this early period, education must be understood as a help to the unfolding of the child’s inborn psychic powers. The child is endowed with unknown powers, which can guide us to a radiant future. What we really want is a new world, and then education must take as its aim the development of these hidden possibilities.
By the age of three, the child has already laid down the foundations of his personality as