Javanese is not Malay like typical Malaysian understands. Even though the biological looks are the same, they actually belong to different group of ethnic. The essay is trying to describe the way Javanese people survived according to instrumentalist approach by Max Weber. This essay will rejects the ideas of Primordial ties to determined ethnicity of the Javanese people in Malaysia. There are three push factors that author trying to prove that make Javanese people comfortably to integrate with local Malay. First because of the labeling that government does to the Javanese. Secondly because of the political interest .Thirdly is the economic interest of the Javanese people. Because of hardship they tend to choose to accept Malay as their ethnicity. This essay is also are trying to proved that even though Javanese are different from the Malay there are happy to choose to become Malay because of several factors in term of Constitutions, Political Interest, Economic interest and Special Privilege.
What is meant by ethnic?
According to word web thesaurus ethnic means “Denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people”. In other words it was a group of people that have their own way of make a living. In defining which ethnic is which, there must be some kind of boundaries to show that they are different from other. Therefore to show to others we are “us” and not “them” they will be a certain mechanism that were used to maintain the images. Just like Manning Nash mention as cultural markers and the boundaries between the group of people must be visible. He suggested that they are three basic boundaries which is kinship, commensality and religious cult. Kinship is something related with blood relation which someone that is great where other ethnic does not have. Commensality is where the value of life such as custom and traditional
References: DAP Parti Pelbagai Kaum? (DAP Multiracial Party?) (2008 July 11) Teks Ucapan Penuh Presiden Umno Pada Persidangan Agung Umno 2010 (Full Speech Text Umno president at the Umno General Assembly 2010 ) ( 2010 October 21).Mstar Online. ( Ahli akademik fail petisyen Candi Borobudur milik Islam (Academics file petitions Borobudur Muslim-owned) ( 2008 July 11) .Berita Harian Online. ( The Atlantean symbolism of the Egyptian temple (part i) (