In The Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal: Sources of Sadism by Marianne Szegedy-Maszak, Szegedy-Maszak says that rationalizing the stark change in mentality of the young American soldiers who kept watch over the Iraqi prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison would be a very challenging task. Some may blame inexperience or dereliction of duty by commanding officers. Others may say that stress caused by living in a war zone was responsible. However, it has become clear that no single reason would be sufficient to completely explain the events at Abu Ghraib prison.…
Getting your teeth pulled and fingers snapped for not letting the enemy know where the rest of your brigade is hiding, is a common torture tactic. In most cases you just want the pain to stop, so you give false information. This is why I feel ,no, torture should not be a tactic to retrieve information and should be abolished in this country. In the essay The Torture Myth written by Anne Applebaum, torture is discussed and evaluated by the writer. Applebaum focuses on whether torture is a good vice to gain information from a person and it is insinuated that she does not, based on her arguments in the essay. I too believe torture is not a humane nor moral way to obtain truthful information.…
In the Abu Ghraib prisoners were treated wrong,taken from their rights and it was unlawful. Specialist Garner showed…
Yale University psychologist, Stanley Milgram, conducted an experiment in 1961 focusing on the conflict between obedience to authority and personal conscience. He examined justifications for acts of genocide offered by those accused at the World War II Nuremberg War Criminal trials. Their defense often was based on "obedience" - that they were just following orders from their superiors. Milgram's experiment, which he told his participants was about learning, was to have participants (teacher) question another participant (learner), and when the learner got a question wrong the teacher would shock the learner. For every question wrong, the teacher would increase the amount of volts used in the shock. Of course the experiment was actually about obedience, the learner was an experimenter, and the shock was faked (McLeod). Milgram's was one of the first psychology experiments to use…
When times that require the use of torture come to light, the media tends to give life to an already harsh experience. If a soldier needs to find out where his fellow soldiers were taken, there are ways to get this information out of the detainee. To some, the quickest way to do so is to bring the harshest aspects the…
Guantanamo Bay is a US prison for terrorists and other threatening people, located off of US soil. This means that the processes that go on in the institution, legally, do not need to follow US rules. Many painful and tortuous things are performed on the prisoners, such as force feeding and the topic of this essay, water boarding, where the victim is made to feel as though they are drowning. Although Gitmo is legal/allowed to an extent, it still begs the question how the guards consciously perform such cruel acts and what I would do if I were faced with the decision of torturing a prisoner or not.…
An investigation into the treatment of detainees at the prison was issued when photo were discovered of guards abusing detainees in 2003. The human rights violations included: physical and sexual abuse, torture, rape, sodomy, and murder. Many of the torture techniques used were developed at the Guantánamo detention center including prolonged isolation, a sleep deprivation technique where people were moved from cell to cell every few hours, short-shackling in painful positions; nudity; extreme use of heat and cold; the use of loud music and noise and preying on phobias. "Punching, slapping, and kicking detainees; jumping on their naked feet...positioning a naked detainee on a MRE box, with a sandbag on his head, and attaching wires to his fingers, toes, and penis to simulate electric torture...having sex with female detainees...using military working dogs (without muzzles) to intimidate and frighten detainees, and in at least one case biting and severely injuring a detainee...breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric liquid on detainees...Beating detainees with a broom handle and a chair...Sodomizing a detainee with a chemical light and perhaps a broom stick" (qtd. in Behrens and Rosen 665-6). Eleven US soldiers were convicted of crimes relating to the Abu Ghraib scandal. A number of other service members were not charged but reprimanded. Shockingly enough, despite the level of…
This book talks about service members who tortured P.O.W’S of the war on terror. It also details how they take oaths to not torture prisoners of…
From late 2003 to early 2004, during the Iraq War, military police personnel of the United States Army and the Central Intelligence Agency[1] committed human rights violations against prisoners held in the Abu Ghraib prison. They physically and sexually abused, tortured,[2][3][4] raped,[2][3] sodomized,[4] and killed[5] prisoners.…
The Abu Ghraib prison was a prison in Iraq that was notorious for torturing the prisoners. Some of the violations include murder, sodomy, sexual abuse, and rape. Photographs of each torture mechanism were taken and shown to the government. Many of the American soldiers involved in the Abu Ghraib prison scandal were accused of abuse. The administration of George W. Bush tried to cover up the abuse cases as “isolated incidents”, therefore making it seem as if the torture was only happening to select inmates, and as a form of intense interrogation. It was later revealed that the torture was not conducted on a select few, but conducted throughout groups of the inmates. Some of the abusers in the prison believed that they were doing a good thing.…
“To torture or not to torture” – the main topic in debate between Charles Krauthammer and Andrew Sullivan is whether torture should be permissible under certain circumstances or never at all. The debate of torture between Krauthammer and Sullivan began three years after the Bush administration defined “torture” in the narrowest terms – the permitted coercive, physical abuse of enemy combatants if the military necessity demands it. (317) Krauthammer discusses extreme situations that make the use of torture seem less morally unethical and almost acceptable; however, his examples are just hypothetical situations. When I weigh his scenarios against reality and think about how much torture can really affect a person’s life, Krauthammer’s make-believe stories have no weight and do not sway my opinion one bit. On the other hand, Sullivan makes a strong point that I completely agree with. We are all humans, but allowing torture to be permissible would only lead to people treating others in a manner less than any human would ever deserve.…
Is the intentional pain that an individual experiences justified by the possibility of preserving the lives of many? Torture is the used as a weapon, but in reality does it work? The purpose of this essay is to identify what the motives are for using torture, the effectiveness of torture, and important issues or flaws with the entire process of torture.…
There are many questions relating to the use of torture against any person whatsoever. As such, there are different perspectives on the ethics of its usage as well. While some believe that the use of torture becomes necessary at times, others believe that whatever the circumstances are, torture can never be justified. Some very pertinent issues related to the use of torture are, “Suppose a child has been kidnapped and a person has been suspected of committing the crime. Is it justifiable to torture that person in order to try to extract information from him about the child? Now suppose the person would not react at all if he is subjected to torture but there is a chance that he would divulge information if his child of the similar age as the…
Hollywood has given society the impression that torture is the effective last resort for interrogators to get crucial information. There is a cliché scenario in which a bomb is ticking somewhere and the villain will not tell the interrogator how to stop it. Reluctantly the interrogator starts using brutal torture methods until he gets the confession and saves the day. The “ticking time bomb” scenario is unrealistic and it gives a false perception to society of how interrogations really work. The United States government, and military, are home to some of most highly skilled interrogators in the world and torture is never an option for them. Torture is not a justifiable interrogation tactic because it does not yield honest answers, it goes against…
Despite this may sound like a justifiable reason to torture someone, to what extent is this effective? Torture is still an inhumane and causes great physical and psychological damage. By allowing exceptions in certain situations, we are only encouraging the use of torture, and in the future may be subjective to one’s belief that a particular situation is an extreme case and torture is permissible since, “the other guy did it so why can’t I?” Many others, including Bargaric, say “we must decide on the best evidence at the time.” (Bagaric). This may be logical approach, but torturing is not the way to go about doing so. In Anne Applebaum article from the Washington Post, “The Torture Myth,” Army Col. Stuart Herrington quotes that torture is” not a good way to get information” and many can be persuaded to talk without any cruel and unusual punishments (Applebaum). AppleBaum also makes a good point that…