For hundreds of years South Africa has endured a constant power struggle, oppression under the apartheid government, the AIDS epidemic and homophobia. Internationally there are currently four countries that permit same-sex marriages, which include the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium and Canada. Even though homosexuality remains largely taboo in South Africa, the country is taking steps towards overall equality and improved human rights allowing such unions to take place where this lifestyle was once forbidden.
In modern day Africa homosexuality is illegal for gay men in 29 countries and for lesbians in 20 countries making homophobia a widespread epidemic. This legal status of homosexuals in some countries shows how strong and prevalent homophobia is across the continent. Today in the United States homosexuality is not accepted as being right in society but it is accepted as being a part of that society and a lifestyle for some individuals. This general acceptance is all you need to create a sense of equilibrium. It is much easier to come to terms with being gay outside of Africa because society in Africa is smaller and people talk more. Word of mouth travels quickly in Africa especially in close-knit communities. This same thing goes for the United States as well. Some individuals may find it easier to come out and come to terms with being gay when they are not in their home setting. You don't have to embrace homosexuality, but you must at least acknowledge the fact it's there and comprised of all races and all colors. Homosexuality is not limited to the western world like some cultures in Africa believe.
Although there is no word in any African language, which describes homosexuals or homosexuality, the word moffie is often used in its place as a derogatory term most similar to "dyke" or "faggot" in the United States. Moffie is derived from the word hermaphrodite. Like homosexuals, hermaphrodites are considered to
Cited: Adam, Barry D. The Rise of a Gay and Lesbian Movement. New York: Twayne, 1995. "Being Gay, Christian and African." Bbc News. 25 Feb. 2006. 5 Mar. 2006 . Bestall, Clifford. Bbc News. 6 Sept. 2004. 10 Mar. 2006 . Bestall, Clifford. Bbc News. 6 Sept. 2004. 10 Mar. 2006 . Boykin, Keith. "Homosexuality in Africa." Keith Boykin. 2001. 02 Mar. 2006 . Herdt, Gilbert. Same Sex, Different Cultures: Exploring Gay & Lesbian Lives. Boulder: Westview P, 1997. "Hiv & Aids in Africa." Avert.Org. 8 Mar. 2006 . "Hiv & Aids in Africa." Avert.Org. 8 Mar. 2006 . "Legal Status of Homosexuality in Africa." Afrol News. 8 Mar. 2006 . "No Gay Blood in South Africa." The Advocate 25 Feb. 2006. Proquest. Gutman Library, Philadelphia Resource Guide to Coming Out for African Americans. Washington Dc: Human Rights Campaign, 2004. "South Africa 's High Court Approves Gay Marriage." Msnbc. 1 Dec. 2005. Associated Press "South Africa 's Highest Court Rules in Favor of Gay Marriage." Chicago Tribune 25 Dec. 2005 "South African Ruling Paves Way for Gay Marriage." Abc Online. 2006. Austrailian Broadcasting Corporation Timberg, Craig. "S. Africa 's Top Court Blesses Gay Marriage." Washington Post 25 Dec. 2005