“Be careful and pay attention when you’re driving.” Said my dad. He always worries about things. I said, “I will, don’t worry I have everything under control.” I sort of chuckled in my head, thinking what’s the worst thing that could happen? I was only going down the street to my church. Without waiting for my dad to respond, I ran down the stairs and hopped into my rusted silver 1994 Chevy pickup truck. The whole reason I was going to First Baptist church of Silvis, was to go pick up Joe, one of my best friends.
It was raining earlier in the morning, and as you can expect the road was wet. I was driving down twelve street like I always would. I was only like two or three minutes away when I looked down to change the station on the radio. I looked up, and before I knew it, I was slamming my brakes as hard as I could. What didn’t help much was that the ground was still kind of wet. There was this guy in a small ford car letting his next door neighbor back out while there was a car behind him and me.
I rammed into a huge Ford F150. I jumped out of my truck and yelled super loud. “I’m so sorry sir, are you okay?” I didn’t expect this at all, but he replied back. “It’s not your fault, it’s this dumb freaking moron who couldn’t just wait a few seconds to get down his driveway.” I was sort of relieved at his comment in a way but I was still shaking tremendously. I had hit the truck in front of me so hard that his back fender was barely hanging on. There was no need to call a cop though because there was already one driving down the street.
The police officer came over and asked, “Can I see your ID and insurance information.” Then, what felt like an hours later he finally came back to my truck. He said, “It wasn’t technically your