Drug use in America is a very serious issue. Millions of people try drugs at least one point in their life. The majority of Americans in fact admit to trying drugs at least once, about 60% (Robison Terry); when alcohol is added to this, about 90 %( Robinson Terry). Addiction is a result of this overall issue. Not everyone who tries drugs is classified as an addict however. Millions of Americans casually drink, that does not make everyone an Alcoholic. It is important to the differences between people who use drugs and alcohol, and those who become addicted over long periods of use. Overuse of many things can cause addiction, even every day substances like caffeine. Overeating can even be a form of addiction, however everybody has to eat. Even for a highly addictive drug like cocaine, only about 15% to 16 %( Robinson Terry) become addicted 10% after the first use. Drug use does not inevitably lead to addiction. There are also many different levels of addiction, as well as many substances that could qualify as addictive. This is also not limited to only substance abuse either, even an activity can become addictive, but may not have as many negative side effects. It is very important to be aware of the overall issue, in order to potentially help more people in the future if they do happen to develop a potentially dangerous addiction, which millions of Americans struggle with. Addiction is a physical and psychological disorder.
Drugs of all kinds have great effect on the
Cited: by: EMedicinehealth.com- Addiction- Medical author: Maureen C Nash, MD, MS The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine- Addiction Vol. 1. 4th ed. Detroit; Gale, 2011. P55-61 Robinson, Terry; Berridge, Kent C. Annual Review of Psychology 54 (2003): 25-53