A= Europeans got access when Local African Merchants started to sell them. Mostly they were prisoners of war. They were transported to Brazil, and America.…
Most people you'd ask wouldn't understand the strange desire for rhino horn, and even more probably don't know that there is a market for such an item. This is in large part due to the fact that it's not something you'd expect to be valuable like ivory or gold. It's just a dirty old animal horn, but it's still quite valuable being worth "more than $4,500 a pound." In Bryan Christy's article, "Special Investigation: Inside the Deadly Rhino Horn Trade" he discusses the poaching of rhino for their horn, how this is being fought, and some of the people who wish to legalize the trade. It is Christy's use of rhetoric through the arrangement of his article and overall writing style, as well as an appeal to the readers emotions that stems from his…
Although there were several continuities in trade between Africa and Eurasia from 300 to 1450 CE like the trade routes that were used, what was traded, and who participated in trade, there were several changes. Changes in trade include development of the Indian Ocean trade network around 800 CE, exchange of Islam during Arab invasions in the 8th century, and the creation of new kingdom and empires such as the Mali empire during the 13th century.…
From 2003 to 2004, I was assigned to the Third Marines Field Service Support Group (3d FSSG) Medical Battalion in Okinawa, Japan as the company commander for the Headquarter and Support (H&S) Company. Medical battalions are staffed by Navy medical personnel, which support Marines in war zones. The H&S company structure included a company commander, executive officer, division officers and enlisted staff. A lot of people are not familiar with the military terms so I like to use the analogy that a company commander (military officer) is comparable to the Chief Executive Officer of the organization, the executive officer (military officer) is comparable to Chief Operating Officer; the division officers (senior enlisted members) are comparable to department heads, and junior enlisted are the staff.…
A rapidly growing trade for the Transnational Organized Crime groups is the illegal wildlife trade. “By its very nature, it is almost impossible to obtain reliable figures for the value of illegal wildlife trade. Experts at TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network, estimate that it runs into hundreds of millions of dollars.” (2015). Tigers, Elephants, Rhinos, and even sea creatures like turtles are just a few animals that are being poached for this trade. The elephants for their ivory and Rhinos for their horns, is all that a poacher is after and metric tons of the stuff is being seized. The question to that is, how much is getting through that nobody knows about? Plants, yes plants, and other animals are all being sold for such…
An Elephantine Analysis In Charles Siebert's article The Elephant Crackup, the author employs a nuanced and compelling rhetorical strategy that seamlessly integrates firsthand narratives, expert opinions, and emotional appeals to shed light on the profound consequences of human exploitation on elephants. Through the deliberate use of linguistic choices, comparisons to human tragedies, and a careful balance of ethos, pathos, and logos, Siebert effectively engages the reader, emphasising the urgent need for compassionate rehabilitation practices and fostering a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between human actions and elephant behaviour. Charles Siebert establishes his credibility as a firsthand narration (Kairos) using an anecdote,…
Fur trading in the west was a very dangerous business to be in because little was known. People would hire those who knew the land because they’d scout it before helping out the others. Beyond the frontier was a lawless and wild “world”. Territories in the West were occupied by the Natives that had claimed that land years ago. The story of Hugh Glass was “embroidered” as it passed from writer to writer until eventually it was adapted into the novel “The Revenant” by Michael Punke. The Rocky Mountain Fur Company was run by William H. Ashley and Andrew Henry. Ashley and his men, while out in the wilderness…
After reading “The Story of Foreign Trade and Exchange” I began to think about my company and the manufactures that we acquire our items from. We normally receive items from a company in the United States because they are local and the shipping is not as expensive. However, on occasion we import from a Honduran company when the United States company can’t produce as fast or if we need a bulk order. Our biggest problem recently has been getting the jackets we need fast enough for the Department of Corrections and their new hires. The new hires usually consist of 150 to 200 people all getting one jacket a piece. Both companies’ trade and exchange goods with one another to comply with customer needs in their country. The United States company does not have an absolute advantage in pants or jackets that are ordered in bulk, which is my company’s biggest need. The Honduran company has an absolute advantage in jackets and pants because it doesn’t take them long to produce both items in bulk and in an expedited time frame. The United States company would have a comparative advantage in pants if they stopped producing jackets and just made pants because they would produce more in a decent time frame and complete the bulk order. As for the Honduran company, they have a comparative advantage in jackets because it doesn’t take them long to produce jackets in the bulk that is needed if they stopped making pants. This analysis for both of these companies is very important for my company because when we have a demand for pants and jackets we know who we need to confer with for a faster turnaround time. If these two companies would do what the case study suggests and produce what is a comparative advantage for them, it would benefit them as well as their customers, including my company. One of the benefits would be the stimulation it would provide to the economy, the producer and consumer markets, in addition to…
The illegal ivory trade has skyrocketed in recent years. Decreasing the demand for ivory is essential. Never buy, sell, or wear ivory. Write to your politicians to speak out against poaching. (Americans can write a letter to the Secretary of State on the Wildlife Conservation Society website.) For information on organizations that combat the illegal ivory trade, see National Geographic’s page, Blood Ivory: How to Help.…
Trade is a critical component in spreading beliefs and cultural customs across many distinct regions. Tradesmen were the people who would usually pass on the ideas that they heard or spoke about with the men that they traded with. Mali was an area of Africa that was greatly influenced by outside regions. The trade connections that Mali had with the Middle East spread Islam in the region and the connection with Northern Africa influenced Mali’s political structure.…
As the work progress grows the need for slave also grows and increases the need for slaves. There has been many slaves imported from west africa to work on the plantations. This kind of importation is very known as the “Black Ivory”. The slave owners are in need of more slaves to work there plantation. About ¼ of white's own slaves or belong to slave-owning families.…
Before the civil war that estimated around 80,000 elephants, but than after the civil war in 2007 they did another estimate and this time there was only 2,500. Knowing how many elephants have died because of the civil war is important, because it shows how bad things were in South Sudan. With…
My understanding of the African slave trade was solidified after reading this piece of literature. In chapter two, the process Equiano undergoes can explain what most slaves went through. However, Equiano’s personal feelings and words are what separates him from the other slaves; it is his story, yet also the story for many slaves. The narrative illustrates that slaves are captured by Europeans and put onto slave ships over sea. The slave ships were the complete opposite of hygienic, where the smell intoxicated many slaves. The second stage of the slave trade was when the slaves were transported across the Atlantic, known as the Middle Passage. Prior to reading this narrative, I learned about slavery in my history class, and how the Middle…
Powerful kingdoms, beautiful sculpture, complex trade, tremendous wealth, centers for advanced learning — all are hallmarks of African civilization on the eve of the age of exploration. Hardly living up to the "dark continent" label given by European adventurers, Africa's cultural heritage runs deep.…
white slave trade was an unmerciful and callous act, just like its counterpart African slave trade. Although,the white slave trade was not as much publicized. The Mediterranean region was downright seized in order to execute the trade.…