When talking about how Christians think about determinism and free will many people think Christians would side with determinism. However, in the article “Free will and Determinism as it Relates to Christian Apologetics” by Joel Furches explains Christians believe in …show more content…
The article “Freewill and Determinism in Psychology” by Saul McLeod states “We are not aware of the environmental causes of our own behavior or other people’s that we are tricked into believing in our ability to choose.” It’s just like what the men explain to David at 1:04:42 “You don’t have free will you have an appearance.” and 1:04:57 “You don’t have the ability to choose big things that happen in your life.” In comparison the article talks more of an educational standpoint about determinism and free will. The movie explores the idea that these men are walking around guiding people's destinies, and David refuses to be helped by them. The movie ‘The Adjustment Bureau’ allows you to follow David Norris as he acknowledges his life is determined, but fights for the ownership of free will. George Nolfi opens the idea of determinism and free will in this exciting movie. To explore the thought of determinism and free will, we traveled through the thought of Christianity, scientists, and physiology. It seems that the answer will never get to be known to mankind, and maybe we aren’t ready to know