Introduction and Backgrounds 3 Advantage: Good economic environment 3 Advantage: Stable political environment 4 Advantage: Acceptable infrastructure 5 Advantage: Abundant labor 5 Disadvantage: The laws of the market economy system are not perfect 6 Disadvantage: Low government efficiency 7 Disadvantage: The low efficiency of the financial sector 7 Disadvantage: The investment environment and labor distribution has regional differences 8 Disadvantage: Resources and environmental constraints 9 Summary 9 Citation: 10
Introduction and Backgrounds Since the reform and opening up, China's utilization of foreign investment is developing constantly. Along with the continuous improvement of the investment environment, the scale of foreign investment into China has been continuing expanding, which making China became the world's second largest inflow of funds country. In the backdrop of China's own economic development, in 2010, China became the second largest economy in the world, with a 5878.6 billion dollars GDP at the same year.① Inside the country, foreign investments forming a large-scale foreign economy, and made important contribution to China’s economy and pushed it into the international economic system. I would like to talk about my own views about China's current foreign investment environment, and analyze its opportunities and challenges.
The quality of investment environment is directly related to the ability to attract high-quality foreign capital investment. Investment environment affected by many factors, and these factors work together, such as national macroeconomic policies, the basic management system of national government, the level of infrastructures and so on.
First, I’d like to analyze the advantage of China's current foreign investment environment, which directly related to the opportunity for China to attract