The Advantages of a Brain Based Learning Environment
Kristen Smyrnios
PSY370 Learning and the Brain
Instructor: Rochelle Kilmer
March 3, 2011
The Advantages 2
Brain –based learning is a comprehensive new approach to teaching by using research that has been conducted on the brain and by using the study of neuroscience. Brain-based learning emphasis how the human brain learns naturally the way it was intended. Brain-based learning is based upon what scientist currently knows about the function and structure of the brain at different developmental stages. Using the most current research and educational techniques that are brain friendly provide a biologically driven framework that will create effective instruction.
Brain-based learning also helps educators and scientist both to understand and explain reoccurring behaviors in learning. Currently, related strategies and techniques stress allowing teachers to connect learning and emotional experiences as well as a student’s history and how it affects the brain and learning.
The Advantages 3
The Advantages of a Brain –Based Learning Environment For over two thousand years, scientists have found simple models of how people in the past viewed the brain and how it worked. Up until the middle of the 1900’s the brain was compared to a switch board that helped to run a cities phone and electrical systems. During the 1970’s brain theories spoke mostly of the differences between right and left brain. This theory went on until scientist Paul McClean developed the concept that he titled “The Triune Brain” which speaks of the evolution of the brain; his theory was based upon the brain being separated into three equal parts. McLean’s theory hypothesized that learning to survive is an action that is controlled by the lower brain, and emotions were controlled by the middle brain, and an individual’s higher order of thinking took place in the upper part of the brain.
References: Jensen, E., (2008) Brain-Based Learning, Corwin Press