Very many people argue on whether or not ninth graders in English should be required to read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. This novel was written during slavery and when racism was a big problem. Many of the people argue that this book isn’t appropriate for students to be reading because of the language, racism, and slavery that is portrayed in the book. Even though a lot people don’t want their children reading this story, it teaches significant lessons about the important things in life. Students should read this book, if assigned, because it will show them good life lessons and show the importance of…
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is told from a uneducated, young boys point of view. This book was for the longest looked at as inappropriate to some readers but that did not change the booked popularity. The two main characters in this book were Jim and Huck; Jim being s run away slave and Huck wanting to help him escape. This book tells the typical American life back then and it is reality.…
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is a timeless American classic, right? The charming story tells of a young hero who floats down the river with his friend Jim, getting into all kinds of mischief along the way. Sounds innocent enough, doesn’t it? Well, no it’s not. People often forget the fact that this great piece of literature can hurt others. The mature themes in this book can cause people, especially those of African-American descent, to feel targeted or even bullied. Furthermore, places such as a high school, are expected to be a safe space for students to be free from bullying and bigotry. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should not be required of any high school student to read because of its rash stereotypes, poor representation…
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the most well known books in American literature. This book gives the reader insight into what the South was like during the days of slavery. One man claimed this book was one of America's, "first indigenous literary masterpiece." (Walter Dean Howells) However many people wish to censor this book or remove it from schools entirely. Censoring this book doesn't allow the reader to have a full comprehension of how slaves and free black people were treated during that time period.…
After reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, I have learned this book is a great example of a coming-of-age novel. The main character, also known as the narrorator, Huck Finn faces many challenges throughout the course of the novel. A major challenge Huck faces is that his father, Pap is an alcoholic lowlife and he doesn’t care for him as a son should care for his father. In the beginning of the novel, Huck thought he would be better off without his father even though he lived with Miss. Watson. He didn’t care if his father died because Huck had never experienced death and how it felt. Later in the novel Huck abandons his father and left on the raft to Jackson island. When Huck and Jim find a house flooded down the river, Jim sees Pap and doesn’t let Huck see him for Huck’s sake. Throughout the novel, Huck experiences death at many occasions and now knows how it feels. Later in the novel, Jim tells Huck that his father won’t be coming back to St. Petersburg anymore. Huck wonders why, and Jim tells him his father was the one who died in the house. This shows Huck has seen death and actually cares what happened to his father.…
Great literature has always run into great controversy, such as classics like The Catcher and the Rye by J.D. Salinger, The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, and of course The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is of the antics of a 13-year-old Huck, and adult runaway slave. This piece of writing is found to be a classic and a standard for American literature; although recent debate on Twain’s racist language and stereotypical view on African Americans is questioned as appropriate for public education. Mark Twain’s novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should be taught in public schools, because the story should not be thought of as demeaning to blacks, or that Jim is considered a stereotype of black culture, but merely the characterization is being honest to the story and its time period.…
Picture a river; not just any kind of river, the Mississippi River. Now picture yourself on a raft, but you’re not alone. There’re two other people with you, known as Huckleberry Finn and Jim. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is known widely as a satirical novel, but due to the satirical techniques Twain uses all throughout the book has caused it to become controversial on whether it should or should not be banned. Although Twain may appear to be racist in Huckleberry Finn, he actually wrote the book during the Reconstruction Era but based the book during Pre-Civil War to show the “good ole times” when the white southerners had slaves. Because Twain uses so many satirical techniques to help show readers that slavery is horrible, therefore Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should not be banned.…
have prosecuted and banned the book. Some reasons for the ban was because of the attitude of Huck Finn, its…
For me personally, books should not be banned because it is basically censoring someone else's art. Writers or authors have the right to publish whatever they want. They are just books. People should not get all worked up over a piece of literature. Especially schools. Schools across the country in different time periods banned the novel for the reasons being that it is too vulgar, sexual, and violent for kids to read. (“Banned Book: The Catcher in the Rye”)…
“Actions speak louder than words, but not nearly as often,” Mark Twain. Samuel Clemens, widely known as Mark Twain, author of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as well as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is criticized today for the language used in these books. Ever since the book was published 1885, The adventures of Huckleberry Finn almost immediately it began to be ban, the first being the Concord Library Committee. However, the reason for being ban in 1885 was because it in a way glorified the slave in a way it was too nice to them. Today The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn remains in the top list of banned books but supported by different reasons. The controversy today is whether the book should be taught in its original form, should the…
Huckleberry Finn should not be banned from schools, this will only allow the preconceived notion that our students lack the intellect to draw their own conclusions. It is important to remember that Mark Twain was not a racist and wrote about the criticism of the racist mindset that many 19th century people had and still have (Fishkins). The irony of history and racism is painfully intertwined in the past and present and with allowing the teaching of Huckleberry Finn it will allow some of these issues to be solved. Huckleberry Finn not only confronts the deepest racial feelings and insecurities, it calls for society to take a stand and learn from the past and present and with open minds to eradicate racism and censorship from great…
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel based on the journey Huck, a young boy with an abusive father, and Jim, a runaway slave, have down the Mississippi River to Free states for an end goal of freedom. Freedom means different things to both of them, to Huck freedom means to be able to do what he wants and not be “sivilized”, while Jim’s definition of freedom is being able to live in peace with his wife and children. While on their journey to freedom they develop a caring unusual friendship. There is a great deal of controversy over whether or not The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should be taught in schools. Critics claim that the novel is an important piece of American literature and that it throws the reader into a time when slavery was lawful and accepted, and gives the reader a new perspective on slavery even if it has racial hints and discrimination. Many people including myself believe, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, should not be taught in High Schools but instead taught in college because of immaturity among students, racism, and the dark use of slavery.…
The Catcher in the Rye. The Scarlet Letter. Huckleberry Finn. Harry Potter. The Diary of Anne Frank. Animal Farm. To Kill a Mockingbird. The Da Vinci Code. The Grapes of Wrath. These literary classics have been vital to the education of many, especially children and adolescents (Banned Books). These great novels both teach important values and educate children about world affairs and classic themes. Unfortunately, each of these novels has been banned at one point in time. In a country where freedom is so adamantly advocated, it is a wonder that an issue like censorship would even come up, that such a controversy would sink its claws into the minds of states’ boards of education across the nation. Censorship is a needless restriction placed on developing minds that need the morals and values that banned books can give.…
Ever since it was first published in 1885, Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been controversial. This book challenged society head on and was quite offensive to many Americans at that time. Today, this book still kindles a fire in everyone, some believe Huck Finn should be mandatory while other believe it should be optional reading. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should remain as required reading in Junior English classes across country because it is a true masterpiece.…
When it comes to the topic of discussing The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in schools, most of us will agree that the interactions between whites and blacks in the book cause many controversies. Where the agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of whether Huckleberry Finn should be completely banned in schools. Whereas some people believe that keeping the book in school systems and developing a new curriculum solve the problem better, other people maintain that all schools must ban the book. The controversy over race, shown in Huckleberry Finn, takes place when Huck uses the “n-word” casually to talk about all blacks that he knows including Jim. The controversy over racism, also shown when the king, duke, and Huck go into a town and leave Jim and paint him blue so he looks ridiculous, may be argued because the king, duke, and Huck seem not to care about what they put Jim through. Some believe that when Jim stays at the Phelpses’ plantation in a cottage with many live animals, Mark Twain uses prejudices against blacks meaning they do not have many characteristics of humans because Jim live in a cottage and he cannot think for himself because Huck thinks for him. When my class started reading Huckleberry Finn, having an introduction to the book helped while we tried to understand how Twain writes. We discussed racism in our classroom which made me learn more from the class altogether. Although I grant that reading Huckleberry Finn may cause controversy and some discomfort, I still maintain that students should carefully read Huckleberry Finn with extra discussion and introduction about Twain’s background, style of writing, and ideas about racism.…