Caffeine is a stimulant
Stimulants are a class of drug that boosts, alternates and increases your energy levels and they activity of the nervous system.
Caffeine is in drinks, such as; Coca-Cola, tea and coffee, these are called caffeinated drinks.
Caffeine is not normally recognised as a drug to most.
Caffeine has an effect on your heart rate, (this is how fact your hear beats)
Caffeine is able to change the way your body and mind works
Chocolate is known to have traces of caffeine in it also
The aim What is the point this experiment;-
My aim in this experiment is to see what effects caffeine is prone to on the heart rate, Also to compare someone’s heart rate who has consumed caffeine to someone’s who hasn’t. This should give us a developed idea to the effects of caffeine.
In this experiment there will be several variables;-
The independent variable;-this is the variable I will be changing, this is the number of people of which are drinking the caffeine and the ones who are not.
The Dependant variable;-This is the variable we measure, I’m measuring the persons heart rate, then working out the difference to show what effects caffeine is likely to have on the heart rate.
Controlled variables;-
The following variables I am keeping the same;-
Room temperature
The volume of the drink
No-one will consume caffeinated food or drinks beforehand.
From what information I have collected I predict that the pulse rate of the people drinking the caffeinated drinks will have an increased pulse, because as research shows, caffeine is a stimulant. Therefor the prediction of an increased heart rate when caffeine enters the blood stream seems reliable. I also think after a certain period of time, when the caffeine has left the persons system that the heart rate will lower again.
Caffeinated Or Not?
What will I do? How will I do it?
Method;- you will need…
Six cups
A bottle of a caffeinated drink
A bottle of