Shawn Moore
AFA 2000
Topical Paper 2: The African Family
The traditional African family has faced many tribulations, as it has not remained static since the beginning of the diaspora. It has faced Eurocentric hegemony which has obscured and distorted conventional cultures, which originally united the African family through a network of strong traditions (Azevedo, 2005). Other various external forces such as geography, religion, influence of colonialism, intercontinental migration, political and economic structures have affected families in characteristics such as polygyny, balance of roles and responsibilities amongst males and females, urbanization, and adaptation of western culture amongst children (Sweet, 2000). Subsequent to the slave trade and obtaining their freedom, African American families have yet to conquer their battles: they face greater obstacles that threaten to loosen family ties.
One of the most distinguishable characteristics of traditional African families has been the existence of polygamy. It has served as a basis of African culture, and has significantly impacted African social groups, tribes and clans (Aretha et al, 2011). Prior to the spread of Islam and Christianity, an African man, with his multiple wives and children was essentially acceptable in all cases. The reason for this is that marriage in the African world is universal (Azevedo, 2005). Every man must marry a woman, leaving no bachelors or spinsters. Therefore, unlike Western culture, the bride and groom did not have much personal knowledge about their partner before committing themselves to marriage. To compensate for the overall greater number of females and the required labor for maintaining farms via children, it was usual for one man to have multiple marriages, although each needed to be preceded by courtship and consent for marriage (Degbey). If a man was to have multiple wives, he had to make sure that favoritism for a single woman or her children was not
Cited: Aretha, Marbley, Rouson, Leon. (2011). “Indigenous Systems within the African-American Community.” Multicultural Education, v18 p 2-9. Retrieved from Azevedo, Mario. (2005). “The African Family.” Africana Studies: A Survery of Africa and the African Diaspora. 2005. P. 361-370. Campt, Tina. (2009). “Family Matters: Diaspora, Difference and the Visual Archive.” Social Text. Vol 27 p 83-114. Retrieved from Degbey, John Lawson. “Africa Family Structure.” Retrieved from <> Sweet, James. (2000). “Teaching the Modern African Diaspora. A Case Study of the Atlantic Slave Trade.” Radical History Review. Vol 77, p 106. Retrieved from Waites, Cheryl. (2009). “Building on Strengths: Intergenerational Practice with African American Families.” Social work, vol 54 p 278-287. Retrieved from