Edited by
This publication is part ofa project that was funded by the Hawaii Committee for the Humanities and the State Commission on the Columbian Quincentennial Observance. The project was sponsored by the Center for Philippine Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa and co-sponsored by the Filipino Historical Society of Hawaii.
Copyright 1992
CENTER FOR PHILIPPINE STUDlES School of Asian, Hawaiian and Pacific Studies University of Hawaii at Manoa
Printed by: Hawaii Correctional Industries
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The Center for Philippine Studies was originally established as a Program in 1975 to offer an interdisciplinary academic cwriculum on Philippine Studies, promote scholarly research and professional interest in the Philippines and Filipinos overseas, provide infonnation and educational resources to groups, individuals, and institutions interested in the Philippines or Filipinos, maintain a comprehensive hbrary collection of Philippine material, and reccgnize the contributions ofFilipinos to the State of Hawaii. It is the only academic center in the US offering graduate and undergraduate courses on the Philippines including four levels of Filipino and llokano. Students may pursue BA and MA degrees with concentration in Philippine Studies. The Center is part of the School of Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. For more information about the Center, contact: Dr. Belinda A. Aquino. DireclOr, Center for Philippine Studies, Moore 415, University ofHawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA. Ph: (808)956-2686- Fax: (808) 956-2682.
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Foreword to the Second Edition
Willa J. Tanabe
Rethinldng Magellan and Rediscovering the Philippines
Belinda A Aquino
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A Brief Philippine Prehistory
Wilhelm G. Solheim II
The Philippines Before 1521 A.D.
References: Agoncillo, Teodoro A. and Milagros C. Guerrero. History of the Filipino People. Quezon City: R. P. Garcia Publishing Co.. 5th ed., 1977. Diliman, Quezon City: Third World Studies. College of Arts and Sciences. University of the Philippines Program, 1978. _ _. Filipinos in China Before 1500. ChineseTranslation by Go Bo Juan. Manila: China Studies Pr0gram. De La Salle University. 1989. _ _. lwcano Responses to AmericanAggression (19001901). Quezon City. Philippines: New Day. 1986.