Ⅰ.The definition of education
A. Ancient Greeks
The ancient Greeks, during the Golden Age of Athens, gave us great advances in art, literature, and philosophy. Philosophers such as Socrates(470-399 B.C.), Plato(427-347 B.C.), and Aristotle (384-322B.C.)were responsible for advanced thinking that has affected education up to the present time. Advanced thinking for these Greeks meant that they possessed wisdom far beyond what humans had expected before their time.
According to Socrates education is to let people think logically; therefore, he used the dialectical method or logic discussion to cause people to think. His goal was to have a more ethical and moral society.
B. Romans
The Roman Empire spread throughout the known world, where it eventually extended a common religion and a common language with the aid of a common political bond. During the first century B.C. , Latin grammar schools developed , Emperor Vespasian (A.D.9-79) made the first efforts towards establishing higher education in Rome.
By far the most outstanding educator in Roman times was Quintilian (A.D.35-95). He believed that the purpose of education was to uphold and protect society. He also believed that education could improve society .
C. The renaissance (14th -17th century)
A new revolution of thought began during the 14th century. instead of church dominance education turn to focus on humans and what they could do with art , literature, science, education, and other facets of life. That is to say , the bonds that held people to the church were broken in favor of more secular approaches to life. The renaissance gave the world back the freedom of individual though that has been lost before Europe had settled into Middle Ages.
D. The reformation (16th century)
The reformation grew out of a seed planted in the renaissance. It is true that education benefit a lot form reformation. A priest named Martin Luther (1483-1546) insisted that solely through
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