This paper explores three public articles and one segment of 60 minutes that explore the effects of the All-American Canal and the ongoing battle against illegal immigration. The canal is owned by the federal government and operated by the Imperial Irrigation District (IID). This paper will examines both sides of the moral obligation and responsibility of the government and the immigrants that attempt to cross the canal. Keywords: Imperial Irrigation District, responsibility
“It is permissible for the federal government to allow the drowning deaths of illegal immigrants at the All-American Canal to continue because they aren’t required to provide life saving equipment.
Explanation of the claim: The All-American Canal is an aqueduct that conveys the last drops of Colorado River water into the Imperial Valley in California. The canal provides drinking water for 9 cities and irrigates over 500,000 acres. It was built in the 1930’s by the United States Bureau of Reclamation and completed in 1942. It’s owned by the federal government and operated by the Imperial Irrigation District (IID). Two thirds of our winter fruits and vegetables are grown using this water. The canal creates jobs in the farming industry and half of the people who pick the crops are illegal aliens who cross the canal from Mexico. The problem is the canal is 225 feet across and 20 feet deep with currents that can carry a person 8 feet per second once in the water. Since the double fences were installed on the borders of San Diego, Ca. and Mexico in 1997 border crossing there has significantly decreased and as a result the canal has become the new entry place into the U.S. Since 1997 over 850 people have perished trying to cross the canal from Mexico. They are buried in a California desert in unmarked graves.
Reasons for the Claim:
The canal is