Now one prisoner has been released and forced to turn around and see the fire blazing behind them. The sudden brightness from the fire would be painful to the prisoner and distort his line of sight. Looking at the inanimate figures the prisoner will be told the truth and which each and every object was. The prisoner would be stunned and start to deny this new information and revert to what only he knows. Next, they will forcibly drag the prisoner outside into the light for the first time. This experience will be just as painful and confusing for he would not be able to see one thing he was told were real. This prisoner had to grow accustomed to the light and slowly see the world around him. Slowly the prisoner was able to comprehend what was around him and what we saw was truly real. The prisoner saw the objects that were shown against the wall but these were outside in the …show more content…
Like said prisoners they are used to the laws against immigration and believe that those are right. These men and women believe the regulations and border control are what is right and is producing the best results against immigration. But when Politicians have decided to do something different and unfamiliar from which they have known all their lives. However our politicians see the rise in illegal immigrants that they are hurting our country in some vastly heinous ways. Many of the American people are fighting this wall along our borders, in which the prisoner fought to go outside. We are forcibly preparing this wall amongst any disagreement and protests. The absolute shock of this happening throughout the United States of America has been shown through and by the people. Just as the complete shock and awe of our prisoner coming out into the daylight. However, the wall is not finished and we seem to still be looking around and adjusting our eyes. Still looking at the reflection of the sun in the water as the prisoner did. Once this wall is built the American people can come out of this situation as the prisoner did with new knowledge and seeing The Good. Once the wall is finished we will be able to stop looking in the reflection but truly look at the sun. The wall can start to make certain immigration laws and borders stronger producing a stronger United