The series is set in an alternate world where space stations have been taken over by the greedy Sol Corporation that has been gradually expanding its reach across the universe. The persons that are stationed on these increasingly far away colonies eventually develop their own cultures and unique identities. Soon tensions develop and these far off communities make an attempt to break away from the repressive Earth Company. They begin manufacturing an army of clones to protect their civilizations that they call the Independent Union from the Company. The first novel in the series got a jump-start when Cherryh sold Brothers of Earth and Gate of Ivrel to Donal A. Wollheim the legendary editor. The novel Brothers of Earth catapulted her to fame and critical acclaim as she won the Best New Writer at the John W. Campbell Awards and got a nomination for the Locus Award. Afte the success of the novel published in 1976, Cherryh expanded the series to include many novels and sub series that have their own smaller story arcs all in the Alliance-Union universe. The best known mini arc of the series is the Company Wars story-line that included the 1981 blockbuster novel Downbelow Station that went on to win a Hugo and gain receive much critical acclaim. the series follows a bloody and lengthy conflict between the Union and the Alliance with later novels telling the story of past war
The series is set in an alternate world where space stations have been taken over by the greedy Sol Corporation that has been gradually expanding its reach across the universe. The persons that are stationed on these increasingly far away colonies eventually develop their own cultures and unique identities. Soon tensions develop and these far off communities make an attempt to break away from the repressive Earth Company. They begin manufacturing an army of clones to protect their civilizations that they call the Independent Union from the Company. The first novel in the series got a jump-start when Cherryh sold Brothers of Earth and Gate of Ivrel to Donal A. Wollheim the legendary editor. The novel Brothers of Earth catapulted her to fame and critical acclaim as she won the Best New Writer at the John W. Campbell Awards and got a nomination for the Locus Award. Afte the success of the novel published in 1976, Cherryh expanded the series to include many novels and sub series that have their own smaller story arcs all in the Alliance-Union universe. The best known mini arc of the series is the Company Wars story-line that included the 1981 blockbuster novel Downbelow Station that went on to win a Hugo and gain receive much critical acclaim. the series follows a bloody and lengthy conflict between the Union and the Alliance with later novels telling the story of past war