+ no real translation; suffix that can be added freely to ANY word... e.g.: Shutup, dickwad! Piss off, asswad! Go away, stainwad! a arse bandit
+ HomoSexual John is an arse bandit
anus British equivalent of asshole arvo afternoon This word is used extensively in Australia and also in England in some places. ass boy (noun)
++ Derogatory term for male homosexual. "Whatever you say, ass boy." ass buttocks Now acceptable term on US television. 'John has a big ass.' assfuck + asshole, shithead Adj; Said in place of saying no, or when someone says something stupid and a smart retort is needed. Usage: Not quite, assfuck. asshole + anus; detrimental person second meaning very common nowadays. 'Mary thinks that John is an asshole.' asswipe (compound noun)
+ human male Used detrimentally. 'Hey, asswipe, when are you going to give me back the five bucks you borrowed from me?'
+ toilet paper Not commonly used today. asswipe + Worthless piece of paper, like a parking ticket aunty (noun) likable older gay male, not necessarily effeminate b ball (noun) stupid or silly person Generally used in response to an unintelligent action, such as in "Don't be a ball." or sarcastically responding to something stupid said: "Okay.... ball." or as an observation of another's character (or lack thereof): "Hope is such a ball." This word comes from the reference to the testicle. ball (verb) to fornicate Popular term in the US during the 70s ball + testicle Usually used in the plural. Not considered obscene today. 'John has a big pair of balls.' baltic (adj.) cold mainly used in the phrase 'it's bloody baltic' bang (verb, transitive)
+ to fornicate Does not seem to have intransitive use:\] 'John banged Mary all night.' '*John and Mary banged all night.' basket (noun)
The visible shape that the male genitals make in one's pants 'John has a big basket.'