America the land of opportunity, for a lot of people to reach this country could mean so many things, but for a lots of immigrants It’s the land of where you could fulfill your Dreams, the Amarican Dream migth mean so differnt for so many people,for me this dream has evolve thuogh my life, I think the Amarican Dream means liberty, wealth, opportunity.Liberty, when we talk about liberty in the context of dreams,we could say that the Amarican Dream would allows us to profess ours religion, not to be obliged for a goverment oppress,or for liberty of poverty.Many countries arount the world will not allows thier citizens, and many of them will even had tryed to exterminate, and commetted atrocities agianst the own population.Governments
America the land of opportunity, for a lot of people to reach this country could mean so many things, but for a lots of immigrants It’s the land of where you could fulfill your Dreams, the Amarican Dream migth mean so differnt for so many people,for me this dream has evolve thuogh my life, I think the Amarican Dream means liberty, wealth, opportunity.Liberty, when we talk about liberty in the context of dreams,we could say that the Amarican Dream would allows us to profess ours religion, not to be obliged for a goverment oppress,or for liberty of poverty.Many countries arount the world will not allows thier citizens, and many of them will even had tryed to exterminate, and commetted atrocities agianst the own population.Governments