September 19th, 2014
Period 1
The American Dream, Dead or Alive? Everyone has a dream, either to be famous or to be a professional athlete, for many its to just get out of living with their parents. Believe it or not America has its own dream, the
American Dream. According to the definition of the American Dream is “ the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every
A life of personal happiness and material comfort as traditionally sought by individuals in the
U.S.” The concept of the American Dream started in 1931 by James Truslow. Many people believe the American Dream is dead others think its still very much alive. First off, …show more content…
There were studies that reported majority of Americans own a home, have a good education, and decent jobs. Many people claim to not be living the American
Dream when they just don’t recognize it because, the term is constantly changing in definition.
According to the poll that was done “only 40% of American adults thought they were living the
American Dream”(Rosenfield).
According to a recent research report from CNN/ORC International, “59 percent of adults believe the American dream has become impossible.” Many people’s parents drilled the American dream in their brain and that they can achieve anything with loads of hard work.
“63 percent surveyed believe most children will live to be worse than their parents” , (CNN).
Horatio Alger National Scholars is giving us some hope due to the fact that they are awarding more than $100 million to undergraduates. The question we are all asking is as a nation could we have lost touch with what makes us so “American” ?
Lastly, According to USA Today, the American Dream, “once calculated, costs approximately $130,000 annually meaning that it is only within reach for about 1 in 8 families.”
They are hoping that those numbers will not show the good aspect of the American …show more content…
The demographic of traditional families is decreasing greatly. Historian James Truslow Adams is the man who coined the American phrase, “It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.” (Adams).
In conclusion, now that you’ve seen both sides of the story, what do you believe? Is the American Dream dead or alive? I believe its dying there is some shred of hope left for
America and the American dream but so many people are just giving up that its dying. There
is also so many that think that they have met the American Dream, that I believe that since they believe its been met personally they don’t try anymore. If you take the people who believe they’ve met it and they stopped trying and the people who think its dead then you have a large amount of people who make the American Dream dead. Well now its your turn, what do you think?
Works Cited
Rosenfeld, CNBC Everett. "American Dream Is Still Alive, but Unrecognized."