The American Dream During The 1920's
For my creative expression I chose to create my own artwork in the form of a colorful drawing. During the 1920’s Americans were resilient, headstrong and ambitious. The American dream was one of prosperity and respect coupled with a good social and family life. On the heels of the first world war, America saw economic prosperity and Americans had never been so affluent. The American dream was an ideal rooted in success and prosperity and with the new found growth of the economy more people were able to experience the American dream. While individuals with high social status experienced extravagant parties and intrigue, the normal run of the mill dream was that of having a family, a nice house, a well paying job, being able to provide comfortably
for your family, having a car and attending fancy parties on occasion. I chose to depict the average American dream in my drawing because it is the one that most people hope for and are most happy to attain.