American Dream
“Now, I say to you today my friends, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: / we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” (King Jr.) Martin Luther King Jr. said this in his most famous speech, “I Have a Dream” because in his opinion, the American Dream was a world with peace and no discrimination. However, the 7,003,823,717 other people in the world, might have a different opinion of what the American Dream is. Some have the vision of the “white picket fence” while others have …show more content…
I believe the American dream does still exist but we the people just want everything done so fast that we do not see the things that happen day by day. To reestablish the American Dream would call for some long term perseverance from everyone. A different view point rather than it being for religious freedom of the American Dream would be to believe that it is the opportunity for prosperity, success, and upward social mobility through hard work. (Panettieri) Joann Cotton, a 54-year-old Columbus, Mississippi, resident, has been unemployed for three years. Joann has gone from making "$60,000 a year to less than $15,000 overnight. Her husband is disabled and dependent on medicines the couple can no longer afford. They rely on food stamps, which, Joann says, "is depressing as hell." Receiving government aid, however, has not been as depressing as her job search. Joann says she has applied for at least 300 jobs. Even though she can barely afford gas, she drives to the interviews only to learn that the employers want to hire younger candidates at low wages. (Smiley) Whether the American Dream exists or not people still try to achieve it. On the other hand, unemployment rates have gone down to 8.2% but not because more people are getting jobs but due to the fact that Americans are simply giving up and not even wasting their time by applying at jobs. . One of the most fundamental dictates in achieving the American Dream …show more content…
I recently read an article that put tears to my eyes. It was about a woman who came to America from Kuwait when she was very young and did not receive her citizen ship till she was 22 years old. She had to work many jobs under the table and had to pay her way through college because she was given no financial help regardless of her 3.8 GPA. She just recently took her citizenship test and was sworn in. (US Citizen). “I HAVE lived the American Dream and it’s astonishing when I think about it. I came here as an immigrant, learned to speak English, worked hard to get a good education, started a company and reached a certain level of success by selling it. It does not get clearer than that. I have felt like an American for years but I couldn’t call myself one so I didn’t really feel like I belonged. Now it’s official. I can vote and I have a voice in our political system. I can forgo further immigrations woes. I can leave the U.S. without having fear of not being able to return. I can worship who or what I want without repercussions. I can speak out against the government, if need be, without fear of being prosecuted, imprisoned, or killed. I can continue to dream big and I’m presented with many more opportunities to make them a reality. I can eventually buy a home, settle down and feel safe knowing I live in the wealthiest country in the world.” (US