In general, almost all citizens are bound with rights and freedoms that allow them to have privileges many struggle and debate for in other countries. This, in turn, leaves more opportunity for the success of individuals and their hopes. Citizens are granted with unalienable rights that allow them to accomplish their goals, even through terrible economic turmoil, such as the Great Depression (Source A). In the end, this is what ultimately attracts the younger generation and anticipant immigrants to America (Source C). America is the beam of light that gives so many the motivation to …show more content…
People have developed the mindset that bigger is better searching for fortune not realizing that their dreams are not realistic and structured enough to survive (Source F).When people develop the idea that the end goal of the “American Dream” is fame and fortune, they lose sight of the idea that these dreams are contributors to the nation (Source A). This, in the end, leads to the economic failure, such as that of 2009, with hundreds of thousands of jobs lost (Source A). During this time, doubt developed for the capabilities of the “American Dream” and overall questioned its role in our nation. As recognized by many though, when people prosper, the nation prospers. Without a personal goal in mind, the nation consequently