Opposition Of The New Deal
Class: US History
Date: November 20, 2013
Questions/Main Ideas:
The Oppositon took 3 forms -New Deal isn’t doing enough -New Deal is doing too much -Opposition from the Supreme Court
“The New Deal isn’t doing enough!”
Many people were still very poor (Black people, farmers hit hardest)
Huey Long *Key person*
**Dr. Francis Townsend - $200/month pensions for y.o.s (if they spend it in the same month = stimulating the economy)
**Father Coughlin – Used weekly radio to attack FDR. Set up National Union of Social Justice.
Huey Long*
1928: Governor of Louisiana
1932: Senator of Louisiana
Some power gained through intimidation and bribery.
Used power to help the poor
Taxed big business a lot.
Employed blacks and whites equally
Said new deal was too complicated and not doing enough
Share the wealth scheme -Government tax shared with all Americans -1millon yearly income max - Pensions for 60 years + - 3million personal fortunes max
Aggressive and forceful
“The New Deal is doing too much!”
Business community & Republicans
Clashed with too many codes and regs
Not free Market
FDR is acting like a dictator
Government shouldn’t support wages and unions that’s supply and demand they’re messing with
Government schemes like TVA are unfair compotation to the government.
Rich people are rich because they worked for it. High taxes on rich people tells people not to try and be rich
“The New Deal is doing too much!” CONT…
FDR is upset with Republicans tactics
Tried to smear him and New Deal supporters with dirt
Started rumors that he had a STD that paralyzed him
Employers put memos in employee pay checks saying New Deal would never happen
FDR turned on enemies bitterly
1939 election
FDR won big time
Said; “Everyone is against the new deal except the voters.”
Opposition from the Supreme Court
Supreme Court was most powerful