Christophe CHAMBOST ISIC.L2.cinéma
Evaluation :
Un devoir sur table en examen terminal avec 2 questions de cours (exemple : une question sur le gothique et une question sur un cinéaste) → 50% de la note
Un dossier à faire en groupe : prendre une scène d'un film fantastique Américain qui nous paraît intéressante
The origin of the fantastic as a literary genre started in the 18th century. At that time there was no films but there was an interest for the macabre, there was a growing fascination for death, especially in poetry “the graveyard school of poetry” in the mid-18th century. The most famous poet of the time was Thomas GRAY. There was a growing fascination for macabre subject with a sociological reason. Before there was churchyard, death was well-known, in the center of the village, around the church and in the 18th century, little by little, cemeteries were located outside of the village, this became a fascination for the unknown place that graveyards were. There was also a stress for melancholia, ruins.
Another influence for the films was also the thoughts of a philosopher, Edmund BURKE. He is known for his ideas of the beautiful and the sublime. He wrote a book in which he talks about beauty, and awe. Awe has a very strong meaning, it's intense, fear mix with respect, fascination. Awful is something terrible at the beginning.
Beautiful vs Sublime :
Pretty, the concept of beauty is meant to please men's feeling. There is this idea of nice feeling, of something small, delicate, something which would have the right proportion, which would be on the level of men, something that men can deal with.
Sublime is not pretty, it's big, it's fascinating. It's a pretty landscape, it's more like big mountains, this is landscape that are intense, powerful, terrifying also. The sublime is not on the level of men, it cannot be contained by men, it's bigger than that, it has a divine status. It's