submitting new code proposals and changes to the existing codes. The AMA also comments on code changes proposed by outside vendors and other societies. The AMA owns the rights to the CPT code set, which is maintained by the CPT Editorial Panel. The panel meets three times each year to discuss and approve any CPT code additions, deletions, or revisions. With the changes an updated CPT manual is published on an annual basis. The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) representatives review all proposed changes and, where appropriate, submit comments or requests for changes on behalf of neurology. The panel considers these written comments that are submitted. The AAN’s CPT staff and representatives attend panel meetings three times every year to discuss CPT codes. After the codes have been updated by the CPT Editorial Panel and approved by the AMA, the code is released and will be implemented in six months after it has been released.
submitting new code proposals and changes to the existing codes. The AMA also comments on code changes proposed by outside vendors and other societies. The AMA owns the rights to the CPT code set, which is maintained by the CPT Editorial Panel. The panel meets three times each year to discuss and approve any CPT code additions, deletions, or revisions. With the changes an updated CPT manual is published on an annual basis. The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) representatives review all proposed changes and, where appropriate, submit comments or requests for changes on behalf of neurology. The panel considers these written comments that are submitted. The AAN’s CPT staff and representatives attend panel meetings three times every year to discuss CPT codes. After the codes have been updated by the CPT Editorial Panel and approved by the AMA, the code is released and will be implemented in six months after it has been released.