The American Promise: A Compact History The first exam will cover chapters 1-4. The exam will consist of 33 multiple choice questions and three short answer paragraphs. Please know the following: Historians/Archeologists: Historians direct their attention to mostly writing (personal and private jottings, letters, diary entries, public documents: laws, court cases, newspapers, speeches), arachaelogist tend to focus on physical objects (bines spear points, pots, baskets, jewelry, clothing) Agricultural Revolution: beginning 4000 bc southwestern cultures began to depend on agriculture, The agricultural revolution was a period of agricultural development between the 18th century and the end of the 19th century,
The American Promise: A Compact History The first exam will cover chapters 1-4. The exam will consist of 33 multiple choice questions and three short answer paragraphs. Please know the following: Historians/Archeologists: Historians direct their attention to mostly writing (personal and private jottings, letters, diary entries, public documents: laws, court cases, newspapers, speeches), arachaelogist tend to focus on physical objects (bines spear points, pots, baskets, jewelry, clothing) Agricultural Revolution: beginning 4000 bc southwestern cultures began to depend on agriculture, The agricultural revolution was a period of agricultural development between the 18th century and the end of the 19th century,