The story “The story of an Hour” under analysis is written by an American author of small stories and novels, Kate Chopin. There is one trait that characterizes all her works - it is a question which she leaves open to think, she never puts a dot in her stories, giving the reader a possibility to create the end in his own way. She makes up both for children and adults. Her writing activity is not accepted by the public of her time, especially after publishing in 1899 the most famous novel of her, “Awakening”. The authoress ideas, for the most part, are dedicated to the women’s fight for their rights. 19th century society does not understand her confirmed feminine style of writing; however, in the 20th century Kate Chopin’s writing activity becomes an example for a great number of women’s movement.
The story “The story of an Hour” tells about the woman’s excruciations. Mrs. Mallard is informed about her husband’s death and spends an hour in doubts, whether it is painful bereavement her or a chance to get free. And, when, finally, the feeling of freedom has won, she suddenly finds out that her spouse is alive and dies of a heart attack.
The major character of “The story of an Hour” Mrs. Mallard is a young woman with a fair, calm face. She is a typical representative of the American upper class of the 19th century. Being an obedient, timid and unloved wife, she in her turn, becomes an exclusion among those hundreds woman, who have never thought about their prejudiced rights. The main heroine has a power to think over her fate and in spite of her upbringing realizes all the impropriety of her existence. So, Mrs. Mallard is a strong woman who has an ability to fight.
The basic idea of the story is the idea women’s freedom and independence. It is a well-known fact that women of the time which Kate Chopin describes had no rights. And the author in this story wants to show a woman who has ability and strength to stand against her pinched fate.