This is the largest and oldest presented in a cascade and has a height of 12 meters. Divided into four sectors, galleries and halls are lined with stalactites, stalagmites and helicities, the latter of whimsical horizontal forms. Designed by nature and by man baptized, tunnel of love are, the chapel of the 12 apostles, the Devil's Throat, the passage of rain, the Salon de las Nieves and San Pedro temples and Gothic. These caves have a rare beauty in the world of caves because many of the formations are resplendent due to the crystal layer that covers them. In the Caves of Bellamar the entrance of the cavity is called Gothic Room, a chamber in a grid-measuring about 80 meters long by 25 meters wide. In the Gothic hall, it has given name to some of the formations; among other is The Garden of carrots, Chapel of the Twelve Apostles, and the famous Doña Mamerta Manto de Colón. But the Bellamar Caves are not only this room, the cavity extends east and west achieving a length exceeding three kilometers long; and it is known to be much larger, with even completely flooded chambers. Other cavities are the Hall of Dos Lagos, the Hall of the Sponges, Dwarf Gallery and the Gallery of Megalocnus east of the Gothic Hall. In the other direction are the passage of Hatuey, the Ladies Room, Lake Dahlias and Bath American. On the latter there is a legend that an American vacationer, many years ago, was lost in that place, when he decided to refresh your body in the clear and cold waters. “They also highlight the Hall of the sponges, a gallery located 25 meters below the Gothic Hall” (Cuba Family).According to scientists is one cave with several rooms, but the custom is in the plural. The breathable air is there, at least where he was allowed to get to the visitor. The temperature is relatively stable throughout the year, remaining at 26. The Caves are also considered as a potential laboratory for the study of the…