The Egyptians were all about their Gods. They made temples, statues, sacrifices, and spent hours learning about them. They are Polytheistic which means they believe in more than one god. The first god to step foot on the earth was Atum. He resembles perfection. From him came all other gods. Atum spit out Shu, god of air, and Tefnut, goddess of air. Then they had Geb,god of earth ,and Nut , Goddess of the sky. Then they had Osiris, god of the underworld, Isis,goddess of magic,Seth god of the desert, Nephthys, protective goddess of the dead. There are many others that came from them, like Horus ,son of Isis and
The Egyptians were all about their Gods. They made temples, statues, sacrifices, and spent hours learning about them. They are Polytheistic which means they believe in more than one god. The first god to step foot on the earth was Atum. He resembles perfection. From him came all other gods. Atum spit out Shu, god of air, and Tefnut, goddess of air. Then they had Geb,god of earth ,and Nut , Goddess of the sky. Then they had Osiris, god of the underworld, Isis,goddess of magic,Seth god of the desert, Nephthys, protective goddess of the dead. There are many others that came from them, like Horus ,son of Isis and