She, as an artist, was forgotten during these turbulent times. By using a complimentary color scheme, the red lobster becomes a strong focal point, with the red vibrating against the green tones of the background. It is interesting to note that a painting, Still Life with Lobster, which she completed
in 1781. Many believe it to be her best still-life work. This work was painted in the court of the French King Louis XVI by Ana Vallayer-Coster. This is an oil on Canvas painting with original dimension of 25 ¾ X 35 ¼. A painting such as this would have fascinated seventeenth-century viewers, not only for the luxuriousness of the objects on display, but for the skill with which they were painted. Although the lavish still life was clearly attractive in its own right, it was probably also understood as a warning against temptation and excessive luxury.
This artworks is rich, luminous colors further underscore the opulence of the era, lovely shade of green for the background that contrasts beautifully with the lobster in his painting. Coupled with the blue and white ginger jar, certainly finessed a lively, yet serene, color harmony here.
In this paint the artist uses light to focus our attention on the delicious red lobster in background. She gives on sense of luminosity that we can almost feel the painting. The paint is very balance, her use warm colors makes the lobster very real giving them tactile and sensual appeal. She crates space and depth perspective by means of planes and color, which are freely associated and at the same time contrasting and compared. This artwork has some rich texture with great sense of tonal harmony.