“Where there’s hope, there’s life.”(Part 8, 19:18) Anne Frank is a Jewish Dutch Girl who begins her puberty when the war breaks out. Throughout the autobiography, Frank tells her beloved diary, whom she calls kitty, her personal history in the secret annex where she absconds with seven other people. The plot follows the young teen through her romance, difficulties, and explorations. At the end of the war, her father’s mission was to immortalize both her and her story. Thanks to Otto Frank’s determination and effort her diary was translated and published in 67 languages and over 30 million copies were sold.…
Gerda Weismann remembers when the war started. She heard shooting coming coming from the roof. Her family moved into the basement of their home to hide. There was no water, electricity, heating, or air conditioning. Her brother was forced into a labor camp shortly after the war started. Gerda says the worst day of her life was on June 28th 1942, it was the last day she saw her father. When she was taken to a concentration camp her and her mom were separated. She was on a truck leaving her mother and she jumped off. The soldiers put her back on the truck and told her she was too young to die. Gerda was taken to a slave labor camp where she got very sick. The woman who ran the camp saved Gerda’s life by making her work even though she was sick.…
Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl who died during the Holocaust at age 15. She was born in Frankfurt, Germany on June 12, 1929. Her full name was Annelies Marie Frank and she lived with her parents Otto and Edith and older sister Margot. The Nazi government took control of Germany in 1933 under the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler.…
Annelies Marie Frank born June 12, 1929 in Germany is known though the world for her diary, Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. A Young Jewish girl who wrote about how her family was hiding for two years during the German occupation of the Netherlands which was ended published by her father.…
Anne and Margot were sent to the same camp while her mother and father were sent elsewhere. Years later, her father; Otto Frank being the only remaining Frank discovered Anne’s diary and the depth of her thoughts, ambitions, dreams, and intelligence which even he was shocked to discover. Anne Frank often represents the many people who died during the Holocaust, showing people that these victims were actual humans and it really happened. This gave her the title, “The Face of the Holocaust”.…
It was evident that Anne Frank was a young girl who was in hiding due to war and hoping to make it out.…
So. I watched Eva Safferman’s testimony and I started to understand why memories were so important to them. When she said that her mom was willing to drink water with feces and urine. I was shocked that the Nazis made the women at the camp so thirsty that they would drink infested water. Eva was not trying to make people feel bad for her, but share her knowledge and memories of the hard times of her life during the Holocaust. After, I realized that the pain in my heart as she spoke about her life at a camp during the holocaust was…
The horror of the Holocaust is known by almost everyone in the world. We know of Hitler, the German army, however what tends to go un-noticed or forgotten are other countries’ implications. This is what Tatiana de Rosnay’s book Sarah’s Key brings up throughout its pages. Utilizing a fictional character set in the historic time of 1942 during the round-ups of the Holocaust, the reader is able to get a better sense of the great amount of pain the French Jewish people of France faced. Including these historically based chapters that were woven within another interlinking plot helps the reader learn at the same pace as the book’s main character Julia. The reader begins to rely on Julia for emotional support when learning information of such a shocking historical moment. The book offers the reader a way to learn and remember a forgotten past.…
Like Elie said in his interview with Oprah, that “We must not forget about the victims [Holocaust’s victims] who had lay down, for the next generation. For ours, we hear you.” Lessons that still need to be learned from the Holocaust, are the importance of Holocaust remembrance, and the…
The Holocaust can be / and is a sensitive and passionate topic to many people. Reading “Anne Frank’s Diary” and “The Boy in the Striped Pyjama’s”, can cause many to become intrigued about what could cause such an event to happen and devastated about the terrible things people unfortunately had to go through, if they didn’t die beforehand. What many people haven’t thought about greatly until now is how it has affected society today.…
Your diary made a prodigious impact on a numerous amount of people, including myself. It is ludicrous that the martinet, Adolf Hitler, would do something so truculent like that. It is a good thing that him and his followers were ostracized from society. The diary you kept when you were in hiding has affected a lot of people in different ways. First of all, it has informed many people about the life of a Jew in the depraved time of World War II. It shows how harsh it was for people if they wanted to stay alive in those times of apathy from the Nazi’s. It touches me how hard yall had to fight to stay alive in those cruel, cruel times. It is very blatant that this was a very depressing time for you, and all of the other Jews in the world during this time period. It wouldn’t be a great lifestyle to live cramped with another family in a small hideout.…
During this assignment, I learned firsthand just how hard it was for Anne and her family along with all the other families during the holocaust. Early on as I began this assignment, I grabbed a text book and began to take notes for another class. Right there is when I realized just what a struggle it must have been for Anne. How could she write so much in her diary when she could barely see what she was writing? I know this because the blinds in my room are white and let some light in, while her windows had to be completely blacked out.…
Children who were separated from their families are in their fifties and sixties, just finding out that they are Jewish. These children were lucky enough to escape death camp deportation, but were so young that some forgot their own names and real identities. Children found a safe haven in these non-Jewish families and most stayed with their adoptive parents after the war was over. Today, we have organizations where survivors come together to reflect on the events of the Holocaust. The National Hidden Child Organization and the World Federation of Child Survivors help are just two of these organizations that help people to get a better view of the terrible events that took place. They show how others were brave enough to share their stories and help people today understand happened during the Holocaust. (The International Institute for Holocaust Research p. 7-11…
When I went to Washington, DC in 8th grade, I got to talk to a Holocaust survivor. I got to hear everything he went through. I even saw the number tattoo with which he was identified while being a prisoner. While listening to him, it sparked interest in me to learn more about the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a tragic event that started in 1933, during which Nazis occupied Poland and took Jews to concentration camps.(“Holocaust”)…
She has learned that through hard times she can still find the happiness in life and can focus on them. Anne did not just make it through challenging times, she thrived through challenging times. We all should notice that no matter what was going on, Anne was seeing the joy and good in not only life, but in people as well. She showed us who she really was through this life changing experience. Anne demonstrates that we should keep our head held high when we face the struggles of life. If Anne Frank can see the good in things while being persecuted, I know I can. I have learned from the Holocaust that no matter who you are, what you look like, your race, religion, or anything you can think of, we are equal. Now you are probably thinking, “shouldn’t she already know that?” The Holocaust has helped me to see it in a different way. It also showed me how cruel and selfish humans can be and how cruel and selfish I can be. A lesson all humans should know is that we are one. We are equal. Anne once said, “‘I don’t think of all the misery, but the beauty that still remains,’”…