
The Anointing Of Bethany Compare And Contrast

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The Anointing Of Bethany Compare And Contrast
The Anointing at Bethany:
The Anointing of Bethany is a classical story that tells of Jesus’ forgiving qualities, seen throughout the four gospels. Each gospel does have its own variation if the retelling though it is the same event. The most notable difference is seen in Luke, which has a significant difference in the dialogue, while Matthew, Mark, and John only have small distinctions in plot. The first lines in this story comparative similarities in all four gospel, telling of the location in which this event happened, Bethany. In Matthew and Mark, explain that Jesus was at the house of Simon the leper, John concisely states He was at Lazarus’ house, and Luke claims He “went into the Pharisee’s house” (Lk 7:36). The next major difference

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