Characterized with regards to:
1) The type of blockage the air stream must overcome
2) The contact of the articulatory organs
a) Place of articulation b) Manner of articulation
c) Acoustic impression d) Position of the soft palate
A) Place of articulation (place)
a. Bilabial – p, b w, m
b. Labio-dental – f, v
c. Dental – (th)
d. Alveoral – t, d, tš, dž, s, z, š, ž, n, l, r
e. Palatal – j
f. Velar – k, g, nasal: n
g. Glottal – h
B) The type of obstacle (manner)
a. Occlusives – formed by means of a closure – p, b, t, d, k , g (dotknu se…)
b. Constrictives – the obstacle in the form of narrowing – f, v, th, s, z, š, ž, h ,j, w
c. Semi-occlusives – the obstacle combines closure with narrowing – tš, dž
d. Semi-constrictives – m, n, nasal n
e. l and r sounds
a. Plosives – plosion – p, b, t, d, k, g, m, n, nosové n
b. Fricatives – friction – f, v, th, s, z, š, ž, h, l, r, j, w
c. Affricatives – plosion+friction – tš, dž
a. Nasal consonant – m, n, nosové n
b. Oral consonant – the rest
Voiced – lenis – b, d, dž, g, v, th, z, ž, m, n, nasal n, h, l, r, w, j
Voiceless – fortis – p, t, tš, k, f, th, s, š
Vocalic quantity
Czech – absolute vocalic quantity
English – relative vocalic quantity, dependent on the surrounding environment
An important role played by the consonant following the vowel ( V C )
Voiceless C causes a comparative shortening of the preceding long V – beat
Voiced C does not change vocalic quantity of long Vs – bead
Voiceless C does not change vocalic quantity of short Vs – bit
Voiced C causes a comparative prolongation of the preceding short V – bid
Three degrees of vocalic quantity
1. Bit 2. Bid, beat 3. Bead
USE – verb – z – longer vowel – voiced consonant
USE – noun – s – shorter vowel – voiceless consonant
Consonant cluster – 2 or more consonants in one group SPRing STRess STRing
Initial position – always aspirated