Assignment subtitle: The AOL – Time Warner merge – why being a successful business doesn’t guarantee success
The article is addressing: personal factors influencing the adaptation of change
Word count:
The AOL – Time Warner merge – why being a successful business doesn’t guarantee success
This article describes the merge of two large concerns in the US when the Internet was an upcoming business. America Online is a global Internet company that provides the services of buying products online. They started with music and games and added the ability to interact with those who play online to their product mix. This company was a new and innovative company in contrast to the more traditional company Time Warner. Time Warner was originally founded in 1976 of parent companies Warner Bros. and Warner Music group. The Warner Corporation was seen as the worlds’ largest media company and had operations in film, publishing and television. The intent of the merger was to combine the force of the new technology of Internet with the large database of entertainment. In their press release they stated: "The world's first fully integrated media and communications company for the internet century."
In the late 90’s both companies thought of creating a successful leading company, which resulted in a split up in 2009, not even ten years later.
What was the nature of this merger and where did it go wrong? It all started in 1999…
This could happen because of the biggest bubble on the stock market ever, and people were very positive of running businesses on new technologies. Many young entrepreneurs were setting up Internet companies that were worth billions, and everybody wanted to be a part of it. It was in the 90’s that everybody realized the Internet was there and it brought success with it. Many consumers and businesses would be on the Internet, to step in onto the bubble.
The two leading men of the companies AOL’s - Mr. Case and Time