
The Argument In Christianity

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The Argument In Christianity
Although there may be several theological disagreements between most denominations and Christians, there is one continuity, one thread, that is found in all of Christianity: the belief that the Bible is the infallible word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit. This divine authorship is paramount in Christianity for multiple reasons. One reason being is that if the Bible, which is an authoritative and foundational collection of scripture, is the word of God given to His church, then the Church has an accredited source to base doctrine and belief on. If the Bible is not inspired by the Holy Spirit but merely the workings of man, then it holds no authority, making the job of the Church significantly harder, even impossible. However, due to its …show more content…
To answer this question, the most convincing evidence is found within that same book. The content held within the Bible is not only creative, but it also taps into a morality and a philosophy higher than the minds of man are capable of achieving. When scanning popular philosophy found within the rest of the world, from Eastern beliefs, such as Confucianism and Buddhism, to western philosophy, for example Grecian philosophy, it is apparent that the Bible contains a truth about heavenly and divine things that isn’t found anywhere else in human history and thought. Thoughts ranging from the attributes and character of God, the origin of man and his purpose in the Earth, the depravity of man and the salvific plan of God, the unending glory of heaven and the reality of hell are all found in the Bible in such a clear and distinct way, far more clear than any other philosophy. This level of difference between philosophies can be separated into two categories: worldly and heavenly. It is apparent that worldly philosophy falls so short of the realities of heaven. It is impossible for any human, no matter how religious or spiritual, to have come …show more content…
The Bible contains 66 different books written by what is believed to be 40 authors over the course of 1200 years, and somehow, throughout those ranging variables, there is a thread of continuity. Now, it is important to note here that there is no evidence for those authors to have written anything against their will. In fact, the level of diversity found within the Bible suggests everything other than the workings of men under duress. If the author spoke Hebrew, he wrote in Hebrew. If he spoke Greek, he wrote in Greek. If he was cultured and educated, he wrote like it. If he were a shepherd without any education, he wrote that way. This is proof that when the authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write, they were not overwhelmed by the presence of God to the point that they had no will in the process. In different ways, God prepared each author individually to write what He willed. God used the level of education, the cultural background, the personal hardships of each author to shape His word for His people.
This beautiful marriage of divine and human is not only a testament to the creativity

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