When you think about roulette, you likely think about the spinning wheel, the ball, the large lighted boards displaying the results of past spins, etc. Many people forget that there is a table where all of the bets are placed. Understanding the roulette table strategy is one of the most important parts of the game.
There are three main components to a standard roulette table strategy. There is an understanding of the table itself, the placing of bets, and the calculation of the odds.
The Role of the Table in the Roulette Table Strategy
The table in roulette is the place where the bets are placed. It contains much of the same information as the roulette wheel with each of the black and red numbers …show more content…
In the simplest of terms, your odds of winning are simply the number of possible winning numbers divided by the number of total numbers. If you were betting a single number, the odds would be 1 to 38 on an American wheel and 1 to 37 on a European wheel. If you were betting any even money bet your odds would be 18 to 38 or 18 to 37 (there are 18 red, 18 black, 18 even, 18 odd, 18 numbers 1-18, 18 numbers 1-36). To put these numbers in percents you just do the division: number of winning possibilities divided by the total …show more content…
Lucky for you that system exists and it is not secret. In fact, people have been using it for hundred of years. It is called science. Physics to be exactly. When you understand the physics behind the game, you can increase the chances of you number or numbers hitting, turn the odds in your favor, and win. Granted, you still have to understand the wheel, the table, the bets, and the odds. You still have to put in the time and effort at the casino. Science is not a get rich quick scheme or way to break the casino overnight. It is a way to make a great living playing the game that you