I have always been the type of person who has a tremendous amount of desire to achieve. I want to be somebody. I want to make a difference in my community. As a result I set four major goals for myself during my junior year in high school. The first of these goals is completing my high school education with at least a 3.0 grade point average or above. The second goal is to obtain a college education. The third goal is to start a lasting career for myself as a pediatric orthopedic surgeon. The last goal is to raise a family in the best possible atmosphere.…
When I first starting planning out the trip to down town to visit the museum I thought it would go actually the way I planned it. The plan was to wake up on Sunday make sure I wore enough layers of clothing because I am always cold; get on the train and go. Well it was a bit more complicated than that. I woke up later than I expected but still had fun waiting at the train station with my boyfriend. Also I did not wear proper shoes because when I started driving off it started raining, but my car is an endless closet so I found some shoes that were not going to soak through when I hit the first big puddle in Chicago. On the train ride I started calculating what I wanted to see and in what order, but I did not consider that my boyfriend would want to see something else and that we have different taste. This of course was a problem when we got there. So when we started walking down the couple of blocks that would get us to the museum from Union Station, I knew there would be bums, but they decided that Sunday was the best day to come out. On the way there we got asked by more than five bums if we could make a donation so that they can help the homeless shelters to support them. They especially liked the area right in front of the museum so it was hard not to make contact with them. However once inside I did not expect the museum to be so large because on the outside it honestly looked smaller. The lady at the front desk was nice enough to give us student discounts even though neither of us had our student IDs, and my boyfriend was finally happy that he can dry off his feet, unlike me he did not think about carrying around boots with him.…
“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is about a young boy named Huck who sails down the Mississippi River in order to escape from the civilized society that he was unwillingly placed into. Huck does not live up to the standards his guardian, Widow Douglas, sets for him; instead he questions the society he lives in and follows his own moral codes. Considering that society’s standards are too high, Huck’s actions and beliefs do not make him an uncivilized person but it does makes society seem very hypocritical.…
Even though I have already achieved some of the goals that I had laid out for myself in my senior year of high school there are still some more that I will be working on. For an example I set out a goal to become employed as a Dental Assistant by the time I finished my college classes in March of 2015, and now I can mark that one off my list. By the end of my…
My short term goals include getting my Capstone Diploma, maintaining good grades in my academics, striving for success, and graduating high school. Striving for success is essential as well as graduating high school, but I feel like they are less daunting than the other two short term goals I have. Getting my Capstone Diploma will be a challenging road. It is not easy to achieve what the College Board requires for in that class, but I know that both the teacher and my determination will guide me through in order to accomplish my goal. And as for maintaining good grades in my academics I will have to turn in everything on time and study the material given in the course in order to grasp my goal. For long term goals I want to become a successful electrical and computer engineer. I know this goal will not be easy, but I feel like I have the determination and confidence that it takes to reach my…
Well I would have to say a individual goal is what I set for my self and that would be to get my associates degree and to get a better job then what I have right now. Cause right now im making minimum wage and its hard to make bills.…
Without goals you have nothing to work towards. Some of the goals I have set for myself this year are to get into a high school program. The programs I would like to be in are Computer Science at Freehold Boro, Medical Science at Freehold Boro, or International Baccalaureate program and Freehold Township. I plan on achieving this goal by studying hard, getting good grades, and always striving for more. Another goal I have set for myself is to make the playoffs this year in football. I plan on achieving this goal by working hard at practice and getting all my teammates to work hard also. If I achieve these goals I think I will have an even more honorable…
There are many types of goals. Growing up, I always dreamed of being two things: a mother and a nurse. I am blessed to have two wonderful children ages 14 and 16 and have had the privilege of being able to be a stay-at-home mom during their younger years. Now that they are older and a bit more independent, I have decided to go back to school and fulfill my goal of earning my degree in Nursing. Throughout the years of growing and maturing, I have learned how important it is to have good morals, values, goals, a passion for something, and a good education. I have not only taught my children the importance of these characteristics, but I have also shown them that regardless of one’s age or stage in life, that…
Having grown up in a single parent home with two sisters who did not complete high school, made the pressure for me to succeed unimaginable. The constant reminder of achieving greatness has stuck with me since I was eight years old. Throughout middle school I was top of my class, in high school I graduated cum laude with a 4.4 GPA and currently in my 1st year of college I am top of my intermediate/college algebra class, I scored the highest grade out of all 5 of my psychology teachers classes, and I have an A in my Philosophy class. My educational goals consist of gaining knowledge throughout my entire life, achieving higher than my goals, being as involved as I can possibly be with my college/ community, and continuing to prosper. Ever since…
What are goals? Are they just plans that you make yourself for the future? Or are they a list of what you hope to accomplish in life? Well me personally, I believe my goals are challenges I set for myself to hopefully overcome throughout my life so that I can become something more.…
My short term goals are to graduate high school, remain in the top 10% of my class, and make sure my long term goals are going to benefit myself and others. Those 3 have always been on my mind since junior high. They help me know who I want to be in the future and how I plan to get there. Accomplishments are apart of any human beings life. Striving for the best is always the key to my endeavors. I want the best not only for myself but also for my family. This will help me perform well with my long term goals and even event more.…
Salvador Dali was born May 11, 1904 in Figueres, Spain. His father, Salvador Dalí y Cusi, was a middle class lawyer and notary. His mother, Felipa Domenech Ferres often indulged young Salvador in his art and early eccentricities. It has been said that young Salvador was an intelligent child, yet prone to fits of anger against his parents and schoolmates.…
To conclude, my goals of going to college and being successful are very closely related. Both of these goals along with becoming a registered nurse and a fashion designer are priorities to me. I plan to chase after my dreams and succeed my goals with determination and hard work. I have a long road set out ahead of me, but giving up is not apart of the objective by any…
Being successful in every aspect of my life, academically and socially, has always been a goal of mine. I have known all my life that money would not be handed to me for college; I needed to earn it by meeting my family's high expectations. Starting when I was a little girl, my day began and ended with school. My grandmother would make math sheets for me to do after I got home from school up until I was in sixth grade. My drive for success has not dwindled in my thirteen years of education, but will grow as I go through college.…
I have a clear vision of my career goals, and the culinary arts program comprises exactly the skills and tools I need to succeed. Because I am determined and focused, I do not need anything more than the training and education the Art Institutes will provide. A commitment to a full-time four year, or even a part-time eight year degree program does not suit my personal or professional needs for several reasons. First, because I know exactly how I want to apply my new skills, I do not need any extraneous courses. The Art Institute program perfectly reflects my own pragmatism and professional sensibility because it is focused and directly related to my goals. A traditional degree doesn’t offer direct, practical career training, whereas the career education offered at the Art Institutes does. Second, I do not want to alter my lifestyle by engaging in a four-year program. As an older student, I am not interested in leaving the workforce to pursue a traditional college education. I want to incorporate this education into my life seamlessly and smoothly. The Culinary Arts program will allow me to express myself creatively and professionally in the field of my choice. This program offers practical education and training that I can immediately apply to the workplace, preferably as a sous-chef in a fine dining restaurant. I am confident I have the energy, stamina, and dedication to be a positive addition to the Art Institute.…