University of Gothenburg
School of Business, Economics and Law
Spring 2012
The art of fashionable branding
- the success of the Swedish fashion brand COS -
Authors: Fanny Bengtsson & Maja Vilic
Tutor: Martin Öberg
At an early stage of this thesis we knew that we wanted to write about something we are passionate about. With us both being interested in brands and branding, within the fashion industry in particular- we started from there. It did not take us long time to decide that we want to study COS – Collection of Style, especially with the upcoming launch in Gothenburg that makes them even more up-to-date. After many hours and long days of discussions, reading, searching and writing we are done with our thesis.
We would like to thank everyone involved in our thesis. We would especially want to thank our very proficient correspondents for taking the time to answer all of our questions and doing so with a pleasure. Thank you Eva Ossiansson, researcher and lecturer within marketing at
School of Business, Economics and Law, Pernilla Wohlfahrt, New Business Manager at
H&M Group, and Emelie Gustafsson, Project Leader at Forsman & Bodenfors. Also, a special thank you to our tutor Martin Öberg for his guidance (especially in the guidance of finding the right lake), knowledge and inspiration through our work. Last but not least we want to thank each other for a great collaboration – we have learned a lot!
Gothenburg, 2012-05-22
Fanny Bengtsson ___________________
Maja Vilic Bachelor Thesis within Marketing
The Art of Fashionable Branding – the success of the Swedish fashion brand COS
Fanny Bengtsson and Maja Vilic
Martin Öberg
Date of seminar:
References: Armstrong, G. and Kotler, P. (2007): Marketing, an introduction. (8th ed.) New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc. Baines, Fill and Page (2008): Marketing. New York: Oxford University Press Christensen, L., Engdahl, N., Grääs, C., Haglund, L handbok. (2nd ed.) Lund: Studentlitteratur Easey Mike (2009): Fashion Marketing Hameide, Kaled K. (2011): Fashion Branding Unraveled. USA: Fairchild Books. Holme, I.M. and Solvang, B.K. (1997): Forskningsmetodik: Om kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder Jackson, T. and Shaw D. (2009): Mastering Fashion Marketing. England: Pelgrave Macmillan. Kvale, S. (1989): Issues if validity in qualitative research. Lund: Studentlitteratur Maxwell, A.J McDaniels, C. and Gates, R. (2005): Marketing research. (6th ed.) Hoboken: John Whiley & Sons inc. Miller, D.C. and Salkind, N.J. (2002). Handbook of research design and social measurement. Mårtenson, Rita (2009): Marknadskommunikation- Kunden, Varumärket, Lönsamheten. Patel, R. and Davidsson, B. (2003): Forskningsmetodikens grunder – att planers, genomföra och rapportera en undersökning Silverman, David (2011): Qualitative research. (3rd ed.) England: SAGE Publications Ltd. Tungate, Mark (2008): Fashion brands; Branding Style from Armani to Zara. (2nd ed.) England: Kogan Page Ltd. Yin, Robert K. (2011): Qualitative Research from Start to Finish. USA: