(The Myth of the Model Minority: Asian Americans Students in the Classroom)
- Personal Narrative -
W. Daniel O’Brien
ELPS 417 Spring 2007 Dr. Pamela Porter
Word Count: 2,748
The Asian Effect
ABSTRACT: Many empirical studies have observed the existence of an "Asian effect" regarding students' math and science performance. Furthermore, various statistics are frequently cited in the academic field to show continuing success in college, postgraduate fields and finally business ownership and earnings by Asian Americans. As a result, Asian Americans are often called the “model-minority” group. Yet, few studies have developed a conceptual model that …show more content…
Yet he does not speak Korean beyond a few words. It is evident from direct observation that a student such as James typifies the perception of the Asian as the model-minority. He is hard working, deferential, respectful and obedient. Yet signs of his Americanization are also evident, the most obvious example is his adoption of a Western first name in place of his birth name. From these specific, individual observations, certain conclusions can be reached that will be helpful to the educator. It is generally true that White and Asian student performances are relatively similar, far exceeding the scores of black, Hispanic, and American Indian students. In mathematics, Asian students usually outperform white students. Strategies for closing the gap include changed beliefs and attitudes of parents, families, students, and teachers; cultural responsiveness; greater opportunities to learn; effective instruction; and more family and community involvement. Yet these generalizations can be just as harmful as helpful. The Asian group is anything but homogenous. Asian Americans are one of the most diverse groups that you will find in the world. There are more within-group differences than are between groups. One of the problems with the model-minority myth—where all Asians are seen as economically and educationally successful—is that its it based on the successes of very small groups of people. There is a huge range of differences within the Asian American community. For those Asian families who believe strongly in education and formal education, their values are more apt to mesh with mainstream America. They tend to achieve in the schools. Members of Asian groups with less formal education have a harder