History 161
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was a hero, a messenger of God for the African American people. John Wilkes Booth has turned from a favorable actor to the enemy of the nation after one historic night at the theatre. Thus that makes the assassination of Abraham Lincoln a big turning point in American history. Abraham Lincoln was born in Hardin County, Kentucky on February 12, 1809. He was the second child of Thomas and Nancy Lincoln. Lincoln’s mother died when he was nine years old. After that, Thomas Lincoln remarried. Abraham got along well with his step mother. Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860. He was the first Republican president of the United States. “Lincoln firmly expressed his opposition to slavery and his determination to limit the expansion of slavery westward into the new territories acquired from Mexico in 1850.” (millercenter.org) The South was against him, but the North supported Lincoln’s idea. Because of this, America became divided. Even though this was the case, “Lincoln was willing to compromise with the south to preserve the Union.” (Give Me Liberty, 489) Abraham Lincoln later married Mary Todd, and had three children with her. Among the three children, only one survived teenage hood. After the death of the President, Mary Lincoln became emotionally unstable. John Wilkes Booth was a handsome and charming actor of the American stage at the time. Booth was the ninth child of Junius Brutus Booth, also an actor. He was born in Maryland. He was a talented and successful actor but he will never be recognized for his talent, for he is the enemy of the Union. Angry with the decision to abolish slavery in America by Lincoln, Booth conspired against Lincoln. He planned to kidnap Lincoln and hide him. His partners were: “Samuel Arnold and Michael O’Laughlin, two boyhood friends from Baltimore who had served in the war but had had enough of starving and death; George Atzerodt, a drunken German