Many people believe that anxiety exists in the occasions that give you a lot of stress. Presence of anxiety is mainly due to the environmental elements. In my opinion, anxiety is a result of imbalance of internal states of human being rather that purely caused by environmental factors. The external environment only triggers the disequilibrium of mental status but not all the person will experience anxiety under a same stressful situation. But first, we must understand what anxiety is and how it is formed. In this report, some case studies in General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) help to illustrate my point.
First of all, anxiety is a combination of different emotions like nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worrying. It is different from stress. Stress is only an unpleasant state in our body and leads to some biological arousals such as increase in heart beat rate and breathing rate. Stress can be caused by several kind of emotion like nervous, embarrass or fear which is usually caused by external stimulus. Stress will disappear without the presence of the stimulus. However, for anxiety, formation of stress is more than environmental irritation. Under the same situation, some people will feel anxious but some may not. Different person have different level of stress and anxiety towards same stimulus. Thus, there must be something other than external causes in appearance on anxiety. It may be more related to the cognition of the person which is how the person judge and value an object or issue as different people have various perceptions and determinations. In understanding which type of person with certain kind of judgment tends to experience anxiety rather than just stress, psychological factor including ego and personality can give an explanation to this phenomenon. Other than psychological aspect, some biological factors also lead to creation of anxiety in GAD patients.
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